لوحة ضريبة الدخل للدخل من تداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند.
حساب ضريبة الدخل قصيرة الأجل، المضاربة و f / o.
أما الأرصدة الموروثة، والذهب، والمال، والفضة فهي معفاة من ضريبة الدخل.
إشعار بموجب القسم 143 (2) من ضريبة الدخل المحدودة التدقيق.
لا ضريبة الدخل للتجار .. يتيح القتال.
عدم ملء ضريبة الدخل العودة.
شارك هذه الصفحة.
بواسطة وسطاء الأسهم الشعبية.
رس 899 حقوق الملكية غير محدود.
رس 499 غير محدود كور.
أو 15 روبية في التجارة.
أقل رسوم المعاملات.
أقل دعوة & أمب؛ رسوم التجارة.
أدنى واجب الطوابع.
مجانا الأسهم تسليم الصفقات.
شقة رس 20 في التجارة.
الاستثمار المباشر صندوق الاستثمار المشترك.
100٪ الوساطة برد إذا كان في 60 يوما كنت قد حققت صافي الأرباح.
مبتدئ، مستثمر محنك، تاجر نشط أو هني. الحصول على حلول مخصصة.
رس 0 رسوم فتح الحساب على التداول عبر الإنترنت + ديمات أكت.
الدخل من تداول الفوركس.
جيجار مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
أواجه الخلط بأنه إذا كنت كسب الدخل من تجارة الفوركس في الهند، والتي رأس والدخل الخاص بي ستكون خاضعة للضريبة وما هو معدل الضريبة والضرائب المترتبة على ذلك؟
أرجوك أن تساعدني.
راتان ديب ساكسينا مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
إذا كان الشخص ينغمس نفسه في أعمال تداول العملات الأجنبية فإن هذا الدخل يخضع للضريبة تحت رأس & كوت؛ دخل الأعمال & كوت ؛. وفي حالة أخرى قد يتم تغطيتها تحت رأس & كوت؛ الدخل من مصادر أخرى & كوت ؛. يتم احتساب معدل الضريبة المطبق على الفرد على هذا الدخل.
سونيل مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
وافق مع راتان.
إذا كانت مهنتك التي تقوم بها على أساس مستمر ثم الدخل من الأعمال / المهنة. إذا كان من المعاملات ثم الدخل من مصادر أخرى.
يعتمد معدل الضريبة على كيفية تنظيم نفسك. إذا كنت التجارة كفرد / الملكية، يتم فرض ضريبة الدخل الخاص بك وفقا لمعدلات لوح الخاص بك. إذا كنت تنظم الأعمال التجارية كشركة شراكة أو شركة، تطبق الأسعار المعمول بها لتلك الكيانات.
جيجار مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
شكرا للرد. سمعت أنه أمر غير لائق في الهند. هل صحيح؟
راتان ديب ساكسينا مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
في الهند الشخص الوحيد الذي أذن به بنك الاحتياطي الهندي اسمه & كوت؛ الشخص المفوض & كوت؛ لا يؤذن لها إلا بتداول العملات الأجنبية. وهو ينظم بموجب قانون فيما، 1999.
سونيل مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
صحيح. افترضت جيجار كان وسيط الفوركس المرخصة.
غير قانونية أم لا، فإن قسم ضريبة عليه على أي حال. بالنسبة للدخل المكتسب بشكل غير قانوني فإنك مسؤول عن دفع الضريبة. نعم سوف تتم محاكمته بموجب فيما من قبل بنك الاحتياطي الفيدرالي إذا كان قد فعل أي شيء لانتهاك.
جيجار مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
شكر. كنت تخطط للتجارة في الفوركس ولكن لا يزال لدي إنفاستيغات عليه.
راكيش عرض الملف الشخصي الخاص بي مشاركة أخرى.
يمكن لأي شخص شرح لي ما هو تداول العملات الأجنبية. سواء كان أي شيء يتعلق مبيعات التصدير وعندما يتم تسوية الصفقة نحن في نهاية المطاف مع تقلبات سعر الصرف هو ما يسمى تداول العملات الأجنبية.
لا يرتبط تداول العملات الأجنبية بمبيعات التصدير. إذا كان بعض العملات الأجنبية التجارة ثم سيسمى تداول العملات الأجنبية. مبيعات التصدير تختلف عن ذلك في تصدير بيع الربح / الخسارة لا يعتمد على تقلبات سعر صرف العملات الأجنبية هو مجرد مسألة فرصة حيث كما هو الحال في تداول العملات الأجنبية التاجر يعتمد على تذبذب الربح & أمبير؛ خسارة.
راهول تشوهان مشاهدة الملف الشخصي مشاركة أخرى.
إذا كان العمل من الشخص ثم سيكون الدخل تحت رأس ببب وإذا كان هو دخل عارضة للمقيم فإنه سيكون خاضع للضريبة تحت رأس الدخل تحت مصادر أخرى.
ما هو تداول الفوركس في الهند؟ قانونية أم لا؟
بضعة أيام مرة أخرى تلقيت رسالة من ممثل شركة في الفيسبوك، وأجبرني على تقديم & # 8220؛ فرصة الأعمال الدولية & # 8221؛ ودعا فوريكس ترادينغ إلى موكلي. وزعمت أن العائدات تتراوح بين 8٪ و 95٪ خلال شهر. لذلك دعونا نلقي نظرة على هذا العرض سواء كان ذلك قانونيا أم لا.
تداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند غير قانوني حيث لا توجد مشاركة الروبية الهندية. يمكنك التداول مع مشاركة الروبية الهندية مثل أوسينر، ورينر، غبدينر أو جبينر.
السبب في مشاركة هذه المعلومات معك جميعا، في المستقبل قد تكون تحت هذا الفخ. لذا فكر في مشاركة هذه المعلومات وجعلك على علم حول ما هي في الواقع اللوائح الهندية حول هذا التداول الفوركس. وفيما يلي مناقشة مثيرة للاهتمام. (اسم الشركة التنفيذية والشركة التي تمثلها تغيرت).
الشركة التنفيذية مرحبا سيدي، أنا شيلبا هنا. العمل لدى شركة وطنية متعددة اسمها مستشار أبك. حصلت على معرفة أنك المخطط المالي، لذلك أردت أن مناقشة معك اقتراح الأعمال المتعلقة السلع الدولية والعملة التداول !!
الأرباح التي تكسبها هي بالدولار وتتراوح العائدات من 8٪ إلى 95٪ في غضون شهر. هذه هي الصناعة الوحيدة حيث يمكنك كسب أرباح ضخمة في فترة قصيرة.
وسوف نتطلع لردكم سيدي!
باسافاراج - وهو متأكد & # 8230؛ فلنبدأ الآن.
كومباني Executive - هل يمكن أن ترسل لي رقم الاتصال الخاص بك حتى أستطيع أن ندعو لكم وشرح الصورة العامة لل أبك.
باسافاراج - دعونا نناقش أولا المسألة التنظيمية & # 8230؛. بموجب أي تنظيم سيتم تنفيذ هذا التداول؟
الشركة التنفيذية - نحن شركة مجموعة من اتحاد أبك الدولي (هيك)، أبك هو عضو مسجل في وكالة تنظيم اندونيسيا.
كما يتم تسجيل أبك أيضا مع: باببتي عضو في غرفة تبادل المشتقات الاندونيسية عضو في بورصة جاكرتا الآجلة عضو مجلس تجارة السلع مع العقوبات التي تم الحصول عليها للمعامالت في الخارج، هيف يمكننا الآن أن نقدم لعملائنا مجموعة واسعة من الفرص التجارية والاستثمار.
باسافاراج - أنا أسألك، للعمل في الهند بموجبها يتم تسجيل النظام؟ من ينظم التجارة المتولدة في الهند؟ نسيان إندونيسيا أو غيرها من البلدان، وأنا أعيش في الهند ودعونا نناقش من الذي يربط هذه المعاملات؟
الشركة التنفيذية - سيدي لدينا مقرنا في جاكرتا، لذلك نحن تنظم مباشرة من قبل الصرف.
يمكن للهنود المقيمين تداول العملات من خلال مختلف المؤسسات المالية الهندية اليوم ومع ذلك، لا يمكن للهنود المقيمين حاليا التداول في أزواج العملات التي لا تنطوي على الروبية الهندية، (مثل أوسد / غبب) مع أي بنك مجدولة أو أي وكالة أخرى تقع ضمن نطاق التنظيم التنظيمي بنك الاحتياطي الهندي لذلك للتجارة في أزواج العملات هذه، سيتعين على المرء أن يتعامل صفقات الصرف الأجنبي خارج الهند.
باسافاراج - Jakarta على ما يرام & # 8230؛ ولكن المال سوف يتم استثمارها من الهند & # 8230 ؛. وكنت تدعي أن لديك مكتب في الهند. حتى في نهاية المطاف سوف تأتي تحت التنظيمية. من الذي ينظم لك الناس؟ أو في المستقبل المعاملات بلدي؟
الشركة التنفيذية - ربي، من خلال الأحكام بموجب أب (سلسلة دير) تعميم رقم 64 بتاريخ فبراير 2004، تعميم رقم 24 بتاريخ ديسمبر 20،2006، تعميم رقم 51 بتاريخ مايو 82007، تعميم رقم 9 بتاريخ سبتمبر 26،2007 والتعميم رقم 2010 / 2009-10 المؤرخ في 1 يوليو 2009 منح الإذن للأفراد المقيمين بحرية تحويل ما يصل إلى 200،000 دولار أمريكي في السنة التقويمية للحصول على ممتلكات غير منقولة واستثمارها في الأسهم والأسهم والصناديق المتداولة في البورصة، وأدوات الدين، وخيارات الأسهم وخيارات الفهرس خارج الهند دون الحصول على موافقة مسبقة من بنك الاحتياطي الهندي. ويمكن للأفراد أيضا فتح حسابات بالعملات الأجنبية والحفاظ عليها والاحتفاظ بها لدى مصرف خارج الهند لإجراء التحويلات المالية بموجب المخطط دون الحصول على موافقة مسبقة من مصرف الاحتياطي.
باسافاراج - so كنت تدعي أن لا أحد ينظم وفقا لقانون الأرض هذا ليس حقا قانونيا؟
كومباني إكسكوتيف - هو قانوني، ونحن نفعل العقود مقابل الفروقات أي عقد الاختلاف في الهند الفوركس ليست قانونية ولكن ليس كفد نحن محاولة وتسأل فقط عن فرق السعر.
باسافاراج - من الرد الوارد أعلاه من & # 8220؛ الأفراد المقيمين بحرية إلى ما يصل إلى 200،000 دولار أمريكي في السنة التقويمية للحصول على العقارات غير المنقولة والاحتفاظ بها، والاستثمار في الأسهم والأسهم والصناديق المتداولة في البورصة، وأدوات الدين وخيارات الأسهم وخيارات الفهرس خارج الهند دون موافقة مسبقة من بنك الاحتياطي الهندي & # 8221؛ صرف العملات الأجنبية مفقود & # 8230؛ هل يمكن أن يرجى توضيح ذلك؟ إذن أنت توافق على أن تداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند ليس حقا قانونيا؟
الشركة التنفيذية !! نحن في كفد & # 8217؛ ق. لا تداول العملات الأجنبية.
باسافاراج - again & # 8230؛ . هل هذا كفد قانوني؟ تحت تنظيم الذي تفعله هذا التداول؟ نأمل أن يكون هذا الرابط فتحت العين بالنسبة لك شخصيا.
الشركة التنفيذية - لا هو قانوني. نحن التداول تحت تعليمات بابيتي (إيتس مثل سيبي في الهند). ونحن لدينا تنظمها بورصة جاكرتا الآجلة.
باسافاراج - أحتاج منظم الهندي لا جاكرتا أو أي بلد آخر غير المنظم المصدر. إذا كان أي مشكلة مع شركتك، الافتراضي من الطرف الآخر أو بعض القضايا التقنية الأخرى ثم تقصد أن أقول أنني بحاجة إلى الاقتراب من جاكرتا تبادل المستقبل أو باببتي؟
ببساطة أن أقول & # 8230؛ . كنت طرقت الباب الخطأ & # 8230؛ آسف.
كومباني Executive - السير في الهند مهما تداولت كنت تأخذ، عند لكمة النظام يذهب إلى بورصة بومباي و لا تحتاج إلى الذهاب إلى بومباي للتجارة. حتى نفس هنا نحن عضو مباشرة في جاكرتا.
باسافاراج - Agree & # 8230؛ . أنا أسأل إذا أنا بحاجة إلى مقاضاة شركتك أو الافتراضي إلى بلدي التجارة ثم من أنا بحاجة إلى الاقتراب؟ جاكرتا منظم؟
الشركة التنفيذية - وحتى الآن لم يحدث مثل هذه الأمور. نحن مسجلون في الهند، لدينا مكاتب المادية في بنغالور، مهما كانت الاستفسارات لديك يمكن استشارة هنا فقط.
باسافاراج - You قد سجلت كشركة ولكن هل سجلت كوسيط مع سيبي؟ أيضا ما يضمن لك أن لا شيء سيحدث في المستقبل إن لم يكن حدث في الماضي.
الشركة التنفيذية - نحن لا علاقة له بالسوق الهندي، ونحن في السوق الدولية، لذلك نحن بحاجة إلى عدم الإبلاغ إلى سيبي. في الواقع ربي و سيبي يجب أن يقدم تقريرا إلى باببتي. لذلك نحن عضو مباشرة في ذلك. غدا حتى لو كان الحصاد ليس هناك سوف باببتي تعطيك 2 خيارات مثل لمواصلة التداول مع وسيط آخر أو يمكنك سحب المبلغ كله.
باسافاراج - هل هو؟ أنا لا أعرف هذا أن ربي و سيبي سيأتي تحت باببتي؟ هل يمكنك تقديم دليل على هذه المطالبة؟
شركة التنفيذي، سوف تحصل على نسختين من الوثائق من جاكرتا لذلك كل شيء سيكون في الوثائق.
باسافاراج - أنا لا أسأل الوثائق & # 8230 ؛. يرجى أولا مسح شكوك حول منظم. قلت ربي وسيبي سيأتي تحت باببتي & # 8230؛. . حتى تقدم لي برهان ثم سأكون العميل الأول الخاص بك.
الشركة التنفيذية - RBI و سيبي المتعلقة الهند، ولكن باببتي هو الهيئة التنظيمية الآسيوية. وقد أعطى بنك الاحتياطي الفدرالي الإذن للأفراد المقيمين بحرية تحويل ما يصل إلى 200،000 دولار أمريكي (الآن يتم تعديله إلى 75،000 دولار) سنة تقويمية للحصول على العقارات غير المنقولة واستثمارها في الأسهم والأسهم والصناديق المتداولة في البورصة وأدوات الدين وخيارات الأسهم وخيارات الفهرس خارج الهند. أي شيء أعلاه أن علينا أن نسأل الإذن من ربي.
باسافاراج - في الأسطر المذكورة أعلاه حيث شملت تداول العملات الأجنبية؟ هل ينظم باببتي آسيا بأسرها؟ هل يمكنك تقديم الدليل؟
فينالي & # 8230؛ أي إجابة من جانب أوبوسيت 🙂
وفيما يلي بعض الروابط التي تأكد من أن تداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند لا تنطوي على الروبية الهندية غير قانوني.
قائمة كاملة بالأسئلة المتكررة تسهيلات الفوركس للمقيمين (الأفراد) من قبل ربي (تم تحديث المعلومة بتاريخ 30 أيلول 2018).
نأمل فوق الروابط سوف توفر لنا مؤشرا واضحا أن مثل هذا التداول باستخدام منصة على الانترنت غير قانوني. ولكن لدي شكوك حول الشركة المذكورة أعلاه، من ممثل حصلت على مكالمة من بنغالور وكيف أنها تقدم بشكل علني جدا دون خوف من اللوائح. الحصول على ما يصل المنظمين. دون & # 8217؛ ر العمل في الآونة الأخيرة مثل ما فعلت مع الصحراء، هارشاد مهتا، الأسهم جورو الهند أو سارادا صندوق شيت.
باسافاراج توناغاتي.
باسافاراج توناجاتي هو الرجل وراء هذه المدونة. وهو مستقل مخطط مالي معتمد (سفب)، وتعمل في المدونات منذ 6 سنوات. في المرتبة باسونيفيش بلوق باعتبارها واحدة من بين أعلى 10 مدونة المالية الشخصية في الهند. وهو غير مرتبط بأي منتج / خدمة مالية. والغرض من هذه المدونة هو "نشر الوعي التمويل الشخصي وجعلها لاتخاذ قرارات مالية مستنيرة". يرجى ملاحظة أن الآراء الواردة في هذه المدونة / تعليقات القسم / المنتدى هي التوضيح المقصود للرجوع والتوجيه من القراء لاستكشاف المزيد عن الموضوعات / الاستفسارات التي أثيرت واتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة. وينبغي ألا تفسر هذه على أنها مشورة استثمارية أو رأي قانوني ".
أريد أن أعرف إذا كان من القانوني للتجارة كريبوتكورنسي بين الهند وخارج الهند تبادل على الانترنت للحصول على فرصة المراجحة. في هذه الحالة أريد فقط للحفاظ على المال في الصرف الهندي والحفاظ على التجارة التي مع عملة للمراجحة. استعلامي هو على النحو التالي.
1. هل هو قانوني أم مسموح به؟ أنا على استعداد للمخاطرة.
2. ما هي الآثار الضريبية في كلا البلدين؟
3. هل سيتم كسر القانون بموجب قانون مكافحة غسل الأموال وغسل الأموال؟
بريجيش - حتى الآن ليست قانونية أو غير قانونية. إذا كان أي وقت في قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المستقبل يطلب منك مصدر المال، ثم يجب أن تكون على استعداد للرد. وفيما يتعلق بالضرائب، فمن ضريبة رأس المال بالنسبة لك.
هاي ،، أنا من بنجالور .. و أنا التداول مع شم وسيط & # 8230؛ التداول، السلع، الفوركس وكل ،، هل هو آمن / غود & # 8230؛ أو هل هناك أي بربلم مع هذا & # 8230؛. كينلدي توحي لي & # 8230؛.
راج بسيطة هو للتحقق ما إذا كانت مسجلة مع سيبي أم لا.
أعتقد أن لديك أي فكرة عن الفوركس. تداول الفوركس قانوني. أنا تاجر. الآن أنا المتاجرة في الفوركس. لا تنشر كلمات خاطئة للجمهور إذا لم يكن لديك أي فكرة.
بريارانجان-ماي أعرف أي وسيط مع كنت تقوم به التداول. اسمحوا لي أن أعرف ما إذا كان مسجلا مع سيبي أم لا. ثم نناقش حول من هو الصواب والخطأ. ما تقوله؟ 🙂
لم أكن على علم بالقوانين الهندية فيما يتعلق بتداول العملات الأجنبية وفتح حساب تداول الفوركس عبر الإنترنت. حتى لقد نقلت 400 دولار. الآن أنا لا تريد التجارة بعد جئت إلى علم اللوائح. كان فخا من الشركات الدولية و حصلت عليه. أنا بريء كما هو خطأ.
ردت نيراجا-I على البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك.
هاريوم باسافاراج T.،
حتى أنا تواجه نفس الحادة. كما نيرجا كومار، أنا في مع بفوريكس، المملكة المتحدة كو. أنا أيضا نقل 200 دولورس، ولكن ليس بعد انسحاب الربح، وأنا جئت لمعرفة بشأن اللوائح منذ ثمانية أيام، وبالتالي أنا قد توقفت التداول وطلب منهم للحصول على وثائق قانونية لمزيد من التجارة، ولكن يا لا تحصل على الجواب الصحيح، لذلك يمكن أن تساعدني في هذه المسألة، وكيفية النتيجة من هذا، إذا كان قانوني أيضا يرجى أن أقول كيف؟
ديفاراج-قبض الشخص الذي قدم لك.
ماذا أفعل الآن، هل يمكنني سحب مبلغي منها، يرجى توجيه لي سيدي.
ديفاراج-بيتر للانسحاب فورا.
هل سأسحب مع الأرباح المحققة أيضا، أو المبلغ المودعة فقط، وإذا سألوا بعض التفاصيل عن الانسحاب، هل يمكنني إعطائهم؟
ديفراج-يمكنك سحب المبلغ كله. لماذا يسألون ولماذا عليك أن تعطي تفسيرا؟
مرحبا يا سيدي، قبل بضعة أيام جاء شخص لي وتعطيني اقتراح لحساب هولينغ أو فد (الودائع الثابتة). الشرط: -
إذا كنت توفير 1Cr إنر حساب له من خلال عقد انه سوف تعطيني 3Cr إنر مقدما من خلال رتجس.
وقال انه سوف تستخدم عقد حساب المال في تداول العملات الأجنبية. أنا لا أعرف هل هذه عملية حقيقية أم لا؟
هل يمكن أن تعطي بعض الضوء في ذلك.؟
براشانت - ومن المطالبات وهمية. لا تعتمد أبدا على مثل هذه المطالبات. إذا كان لا يزال يصر لك للاستثمار، يمكنك تقديم شكوى ضده.
أنا مهتم لمعرفة المزيد عن تداول العملات الأجنبية .. إذا كان لدي أي اقتراح أو نصيحة لذا يرجى من شأنه أن يساعدني على تعلم تداول العملات الأجنبية & # 8230؛
أنا بحاجة إلى معرفة يمكننا أن نفعل تجارة السلع مع وسيط في الخارج كمقيم الهندي؟
أنيمش-لماذا مع وسيط في الخارج؟
لقد رأيت منخفضة جدا حجم الكثير وفقدان منخفضة وأيضا المبلغ المطلوب هو أقل مما هو في.
أنيمش التجارة على مسؤوليتك الخاصة.
شكرا للرد السريع، وأنا أحب أن أعرف أي نوع من المخاطر؟
أنيمش-كيف قبض عليهم في حالة أي احتيال؟
شكرا على الرد، فإن اهتمامي الرئيسي هو أننا نستطيع أن نفعل أم لا، فيما ستكون قضية أو لا في هذه الحالة.
يمكن أنيميش العديد من القوانين تلعب الأدوار والانحراف لك. وبالتالي، قلت في البداية، تذهب مع المخاطر الخاصة بك. تبقى بقية معك.
هو أي فكرة عن ثنائي للتجارة & # 8230؛ .. أو أنها قانونية أم لا.
أفضل فلاتفورم الولايات المتحدة، المملكة المتحدة وبلد آخر يسمح هذا النوع من التداول.
ولكن ليزي الحكومة الهندية & # 8230؛ نيت تمرير أي قاعدة حول التداول ثنائي & # 8230؛.
يوغيش-أنا لست على علم بذلك.
صباح الخير سيدي.
ما هو رأيك في الشخص الذي لا يعرف كل شيء عن الفوركس وانه / انها يمكن أن دخلت في تداول العملات الأجنبية والقيام تداول العملات الأجنبية في الوقت الحالي؟
أريد أن أبلغكم أنه منذ 2 سنوات بدأت التداول في 4xp مع 250 دولار (حوالي 13000) روبية، ولكن بعد بعض الأيام فقدت كل شيء كما تركت الشركة مكتب الهند.
تشاندان شكرا لتقاسم تجربتك السيئة. دع الآخرين يلتفتون إلى تجربتك على الأقل.
يا سيدي كيف بداية التداول في الفوركس بلدنا لا تسمح بذلك الثابتة والمتنقلة أذن وسيط في الهند حتى عام ابدأ التداول في الفوركس الرد لي.
سؤالي هو إذا كان بعض واحد يستخدم سكريل أو باي بال لتحويل الأموال بشكل غير مباشر ذهابا وإيابا للتجارة الثنائية في وسيط موثوق به، كيف يمكن للبنك أن يفترض أن يعرف من حيث المال هو قادم.
على سبيل المثال إذا كنت تستخدم مهارة لتحويل الأموال من الصفقات بلدي إلى البنك بلدي ج /، فإن اسم بنوك الشركة وجدت سكريل. ليس هناك طريقة ممكنة سكريل سوف تسرب المعلومات التي كان النقد النقد الأجنبي ويطلبون منا ببساطة أن نقول ذلك من الخدمات التي قدمتها من لحسابهم الخاص، بلوق، التابعة الخ.
مايانك-تحقق أولا من الثقة من وسيط موثوق به ومن ثم التصرف.
شكرا للرد سريع جدا سيدي.
يتيح القول وسيط 100٪ موثوق بها لبعض الأسباب وأيضا أنا لا ستعمل وضع كمية صغيرة فقط من نظريتي صحيحة أو لديك بعض حفرة.
آسف على خطأ أعني أنني لن تضع على المال أكثر من 10 $ لا أي أموال كبيرة.
مايانك-إجابتي البسيطة على كل هذه التعليقات لهذه الوظيفة بالذات هي & # 8220؛ دو على مسؤوليتك الخاصة، لأنه في نهاية الأمر هو المال الخاص بك ولكن ليس الألغام & # 8221 ؛.
السير ايفان يمكنك أن تقترح لنا وسيط قانوني لتداول العملات الأجنبية.! نحن لسنا محترفين كما كنت.
جاغديب بالنسبة لك المعلومات، وأنا لست بروكر المهنية 🙂
ولكن يا سيدي يمكنك مساعدتنا لوسيط الحق لأن لديك الكثير من المهارات التي يمكن كومبير السماسرة الشرطة يساعدنا السير.! أنت لست وسيط ولكن كنت تساعدنا بالفعل ل أويانيس من الفضيحة الفوركس.
جاغديب هناك الآلاف من الوسطاء. كيف يمكنني؟ فمن راحتك يمكنك اختيار في نهاية المطاف.
يمكنني التجارة مع إنر / أوسد الزوج في iforex. in، الفوركس، mtraders. in الخ؟ من الناحية القانونية؟
شوبهانشو-إذا كانت مسجلة مع سيبي، ثم لماذا لا؟
شكرا على هذا. سؤال على الرغم من: هل يمكنني الاستثمار في مبس في الولايات المتحدة جالسا هنا في الهند. كيف يتم ذلك؟ هل هي قانونية وأنها هي المنظمة. هل هو موجود في نظامنا (حتى بشكل غير قانوني؟).
أشوك ما هو مبس؟
هذا يتعلق بتداول العملات الأجنبية في الهند عن طريق اسم الشركة سيكس كابيتال (سنغافورة استنادا). تقوم سيكس كابيتال بتوفير التدريب لتداول العملات الأجنبية وبعد التدريب سوف يختارون للتداول كمتداول. هنا 200+ الطلاب يحضرون تدريبهم والشركة سوف تفتح مكتبهم في مومباي قريبا جدا لتداول العملات الأجنبية. ولكن كما سبق أن ناقشنا سابقا أن تجارة الفوركس في الهند بما في ذلك إنر غير قانوني وهذا صحيح تماما وفقا للوائح ربي. سؤالي لكم هو أنه يجب أن أترك هذا التدريب أو السؤال عن هذه المسألة.
أو هل من الممكن أن يتمكنوا من القيام بذلك عن طريق الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية.
الثابتة والمتنقلة، توحي لي عن هذا، في انتظار ردكم.
سوميت الرجاء السؤال عن ما قلت أعلاه. السماح لهم تظهر تسجيل سيبي. وإلا، يمكنك إبلاغهم بأنك أولا كتابة بريد إلكتروني إلى سيبي عن شركتهم. إذا سيبي ليس لديهم أي مشاكل، ثم سوف المضي قدما. أعتقد أنهم يهربون 🙂
مرحبا، أنا حاليا البقاء 7 أشهر في الخارج و 5 أشهر في الهند عن أي سنة مالية.
لدي حساب غير مقيم وتلقي تحويلات لمرتبي من الخارج.
تريد بدء تداول فوريكس.
الدخل الذي أتلقاه غير خاضع للضريبة ويخطط للاستثمار في الفوركس.
هل يمكنني بدء تداول الفوركس دون أي متاعب قانونية.
أديتيا - على مسؤوليتك الخاصة نعم.
هو تجارة السلع ((شاو / أوسد) القانونية؟ ليفيرج هو 1: 100.
بورفي أولا تحقق ما إذا كان وسيط تقديم مثل هذه المنصة مسجلة مع سيبي أم لا. أن تحقق جدا مع سيبي البوابة. إذا كان مسجلا مع سيبي، ثم القانونية.
انها ليست سوى لقد جعلت الاستثمار بالفعل. ماذا أفعل الآن؟ فقدت 75٪ من استثماراتي.
بورفي-يمكنك & # 8217؛ ر تفعل أي شيء ولكن معركة قانونية كبيرة. الحصول على استعداد إذا كنت في حاجة إلى أن العودة النقدية. آمل أن تكون لدي وجهة نظر حول شرعية هذه المنصات.
هل يمكنني إدانة أي رسوم للاستثمار؟ جعلتني الشركة يوقع اثنان من أشكال أي يجعلهم خالي من أي مسؤولية يفترض.
بورفي هذا هو ما يفعلونه. إنهم يأخذون التوقيع ويوقعون عمياء على تلك الأوراق. لن تتم إدانتك، ولكن إذا كان المبلغ النقدي الذي فقدته أكثر لك، فإنني أقترح عليك اتخاذ الخطوة القانونية فورا.
واسمحوا لي أن أعرف إذا كنت سوف تواجه أي مشكلة التالية الأسلوب أدناه،
1. سأرسل المال إلى صديقي حساب الهند.
2. فتح حساب الفوركس في اسم صديقي وأنه سيتم تمويل الحساب من حسابه الأجنبي.
3. سحب الأرباح لحسابه الأجنبي.
4. تحويل الأموال إلى حساب الهند.
ثم دفع ضريبة الدخل على هذا المبلغ في الهند مشيرا إلى دخل الأعمال الأخرى (مثل لحسابهم الخاص، والاستشارات وغيرها) أو كهدية.
سانجاي-محاولة الأولى للعثور على صديق الذي هو على استعداد لمساعدتك في هذا العمل غير القانوني. إذا كان يمكن أن ينضم لك. ثم قصارى جهدي من الحظ 🙂
حسنا وفقا لي أنه ليس عملا غير قانوني !! بل هو مجرد وسيلة للقيام الأشياء، وليس أي شيء غير قانوني.
أبهيشيك-أدفانس كونغراتس 🙂 المضي قدما شقيق ..
هنا هو كيف يمكنك الشكوى ضد ربي.
سيكون لديك لإرسالها البريد الإلكتروني مع التفاصيل وأنها تحتاج إلى اعادتك في غضون 35 يوما.
هل لديك أي فكرة عن لوائح تداول الخيارات الثنائية في الهند؟
براتيك-أنا لست على علم بذلك.
هل هناك أي منصة قانونية للتجارة الفوركس في الهند إن لم يكن أنا استقال فوريكس لأنني جديد على التفكير التجاري لكسب بعض المال لائق.
ساتيش-هناك العديد من الطرق في كسب المال لائق مثل العدالة.
مرحبا سيدي فيرستوفال شكرا للتوجيه .. أنا في سوق السلع أنا الحصول على أموالي من قبل وسيط مباشرة إلى البنك. أعتقد في نفس الفوركس شكل يعمل أيضا. السؤال هو & # 8220؛ فمن الممكن إذا البنك أو تكنولوجيا المعلومات يطلب مني مصدر المال .. إذا قلت أنا كسب من سوق السلع سواء أنها سوف تقبل أو لا أريد أن أعرف. لأن السلعة قانونية ..
فينكاتيش-ذلك يعتمد على حظك و أو & # 8217؛ ق المزاج 🙂
الثابتة والمتنقلة تخبرني تجارة الفوركس رائعة فرصة قانونية أم لا؟
تلقيت للتو رسالة حول فرصة رائعة للمستثمرين في تجارة الفوركس:
1) دقيقة 30 لاكس ل. ماكس 50 لاكس الاستثمار.
2) فترة الاستثمار & # 8211؛ 2 خيارات: الخيار 20 أيام و 40 يوما الخيار.
3) العائد على الاستثمار: 60٪ على الاستثمار بعد 20 يوما (على سبيل المثال: بالنسبة للمستثمر 50 لاكس يحصل 80 لاكس بعد 20 يوما ربح 30 لاكس). 4) سيتم توقيع الاتفاقية.
5) سيتم تحويل عائد الاستثمار من خلال رتجس لنفس الحساب المصرفي من حيث يتم الاستثمار.
كالبانا - فإنه لا يزال غير قانوني. إذا كان الشخص واثقا جدا من 60٪ العائد ثم لماذا هو تشغيل وراء العملاء للاستثمار؟ إذا كان هذا بكثير هو العودة ثم في أشهر قليلة قد يكون العالم & # 8217؛ ق الشخص الأكثر ثراء. ثم لماذا هو التسول لك للاستثمار؟ ببساطة فهم أساسيات قواعد الاستثمار -1) أي شيء غير قانوني هو دائما خطير وقد يؤدي إلى فقدت في مديرك أيضا. 2) العائد العالي يؤدي دائما إلى مخاطر أعلى. التفكير واتخاذ قرار.
مرحبا يا سيدي، ولكن ثيريس لا يزال هناك عدد كبير من الناس يتداولون في أسواق الفوركس، والوساطة تعمل بحرية في البلاد كيف الجحيم هي أنها الحصول على بعيدا معها. بعد فترة طويلة كيف لم تتخذ أي إجراء. على رأس ذلك لا أعتقد أن البنوك تجميد أي حسابات على هذا النحو أيضا.
آبي-لست متأكدا من كيفية عملها.
أنا مقيم في المملكة العربية السعودية، في هذه الحالة، يمكنني التجارة في السلع الدولية & أمب؛ سوق الفوركس.
يرجى تقديم مزيد من التفاصيل أو رابط الموقع، في حالتي.
كومار تحقق من شرعية المملكة العربية السعودية.
أنا أعرف معنى ربي & # 8230؛ من فضلك هل يمكن أن تخبرني معنى سيبي.
فيجاي-يرجى يمكنك غوغل ذلك؟ 🙂
عزيزي السيد باسافاراج،
أنا مهندس ميكانيكي مع أكثر من 20 عاما من إكس.
أريد تغيير حياتي المهنية والتخطيط ل بيرسو.
مهنة في التمويل عن طريق القيام سفب. كيف هو النطاق.
وآفاق العمل للمهنية سفب في الهند؟
من فضلك أعطني رأيك صريح.
شكرا مقدما.
شيفاشانكار-كل مهنة يأتي معها & # 8217؛ s الأشياء الإيجابية والسلبية الخاصة. وفي الوقت نفسه، وأنا لا إسقاط لك لعدم متابعة سفب. الفرص هي أفضل ولكن سفب هو مجرد باب لمعرفة التمويل الشخصي. أيضا، بالنظر إلى الطبيعة الديناميكية للمعرفة، والقضايا التنظيمية، يجب عليك اختيار الطرق بشكل معقول للغاية.
سوف تقترح لي المصادر القانونية لل الفوركس وتداول الأسهم في الهند.
سانجاي-غوغل و ربي و سيبي غيدلينز.
يمكن أن يكون ويبترادر القانونية website. i يكون نشطا حساب حي و إيداع 100 $.now كيف يمكنني سحب هذا mony. plzz مساعدتي.
براجاجوبال-إذا كان سيبي مسجلة ثم فمن القانونية. تحقق من تسجيل الشركة مع سيبي وأيضا اتباع القواعد أعلاه.
ماذا لو فاز المتداولون بجائزة مسابقة المال في وسيط الفوركس والتجارة مع تلك الأموال؟ هل تقبل هذه السحب في الهند لأنه لا يوجد إيداع من نهاية المتداولين.
أيضا يمكن للمرء أن يعتبر أن مقدمي إشارة من خلال الحسابات التجريبية وإذا كانوا يحققون المال بنجاح من خلال إشارة توفير الخدمة. هذا ليس لديه قواعد لانتهاك.
أشفيني-أنه لا يزال غير قانوني (ما إذا كانت الأموال المودعة من تاجر نهاية أم لا). التداول الافتراضي مختلف ويمكن أن يكون هناك أي نوع من الأصول الأساسية للتجارة وليس هناك مثل هذا القيد.
شكرا لك على الاستجابة السريعة. لذلك، وتوفير خدمة إشارة من خلال الحسابات التجريبية يجب أن تكون بمثابة وظيفة المحلل. هناك العديد من مديري الحسابات الذين يديرون أموال العملاء الأجانب وأي تحويلات إلى الهند يعتبر الدخل الذي هو قانوني.
أنا جديد تماما للتجارة و دون & # 8217؛ t تعرف الشروط الأساسية.
لقد قمت بعمل حساب في موقع إيفوريكس على شبكة الإنترنت، وقلت لممثل الموقع على أنه يدعى عبر الهاتف أن فوريكس غير قانوني في الهند. وقال إنه إذا كنت تستثمر في الذهب / البلاتين وغيرها التي تنطوي على معاملة في إنر، ثم ليست غير قانونية. أرسل لي الرابط التالي للتأكد من أن تصل إلى 250000 $، القانونية:
الثابتة والمتنقلة دليل لي ماذا أفعل.
ساشين-فمن غير قانوني بحتة وإذا كانوا جعل التجارة مع مزيج من إنر ثم السماح لهم تظهر تسجيل سيبي. ويقول الرابط إن الاستثمار لا يحدد النقد الأجنبي.
هل من القانوني فتح حساب تجريبي (التعامل مع المال الظاهري) مع موقع تداول العملات الأجنبية في الخارج.
جاسكاران-إذا كان ديمو دون أي معاملات مالية مثل منصات التداول الافتراضية ثم أي قضايا.
يمكن تسجيل وسيط مع سيبي والعمل من خلال موقع تداول العملات الأجنبية في الخارج؟ إذا كان الأمر كذلك، فإن المعاملات والتجارة في أزواج تنطوي على الروبية الهندية تعتبر قانونية.
موكول تعزيز مثل هذه العملات الأجنبية هو أيضا غير قانوني.
يا سيدي، أختي تعيش في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية إذا أنا إيداع المال في الفوركس من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وتشغيل تداول العملات الأجنبية من الهند هو قانوني؟
جيغنيش - كيف يمكنك التأكد من أن يعود ذلك المال في الهند؟ ما هي الأسباب التي تقولينها لإدارة تقنية المعلومات أو بانكر؟ ما هي الآثار الضريبية على أختك في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية؟ إذا كان لديك إجابات على كل هذه الأسئلة؟
السير ما هو أفضل بديل للتجارة الفوركس في الهند مع الشرعية وما هو الحد الأدنى لسن للقيام بذلك.
أمان - يمكن لأي شخص بالغ البدء في التداول. يمكنك التداول في تداول العملات.
مهلا قل لي يمكن القيام به تجارة الفوركس عبر نورد الفوركس الهند الجندي. المحدودة؟
رافي-إذا كان ضمن الإطار القانوني الذي ذكرته أعلاه ثم يمكنك أن تفعل ذلك.
سير & # 8230؛ وقال انه يمكنني أن أفعل في إنر وهو قانوني أعتقد ذلك & # 8230؛ انهم يستخدمون الآن منصة للتداول في إنر & # 8230؛ يجب أن أعطيهم الاختيار لفتح حسابي & أمب؛ آخر ستة أشهر كشف حساب مصرفي & # 8230؛ لذا يمكنني الذهاب لهذا & # 8230؛ يرجى اقتراح & # 8230؛ & أمب؛ كما يقول لي عندما سيصبح غير قانوني.
رافي-يرجى التحقق ما إذا كانوا وسيط مسجل مع سيبي.
تاجر خاص في الهند يسأل عن بعض المال للقيام ببعض الاشياء الفوركس. أنا لا على الإطلاق في الشؤون المالية و لا أعرف أي شيء عن التمويل. لكنه يقدم 10٪ كل شهر على الاستثمار. وهو معروف لأقاربي. هل هو مربح جدا أنه يمكن أن تعطيني 10٪ كل شهر. انه ليس لديه أي مكتب، وقال انه يقوم التداول من منزله. يرجى توجيه.
رسا-نصيحتي البسيطة هي البقاء بعيدا. المزيد من العودة يعني المزيد من المخاطر. إذا كان واثقا جدا من تقديم لكم شهريا 10٪ ثم لماذا هو التسول المال ؟؟
شيء واحد أود أن أقول لكم عن تداول العملات الأجنبية القانونية أم لا؟
وGT. لدى بنك الاحتياطي الأسترالي صلاحيات مطلقة في تقرير وتنظيم أي نشاط مالي في الهند.
وGT. كما أنهم (ربي) لم يذكروا بالضبط أي شيء عن الوضع القانوني للتداول الفوركس.
وGT. لذلك الناس يأتون مع نظريتهم الخاصة & # 8221؛ قانوني & # 8221؛ أو & # 8220؛ ليس ليجال & # 8221؛ .
وGT. نظرا لعدم وجود أي وضع محدد للشرعية من ربي بعض الناس لا يفعلون ذلك والبعض الآخر يفعل ذلك من دون أي قضية.
فيناي-يرجى الرجوع إلى الروابط التي قدمتها ثم تقرر ما إذا كان ربي خاصة حول هذه المسألة أم لا.
حصلت على مكالمة من سفسفكس. زعموا أن لديهم شركة تابعة في الهند التي تدير المالية الخاصة بهم والتي هي وفقا للمعايير ربي و سيبي. في البداية اعتقدت هذا هو قانوني (أنا غبية قليلا !!) & # 8230؛ فتح حساب معهم. في وقت لاحق فهمت أن ما يقومون به هو في الواقع معاملات الحوالة. لديهم حساب في الهند ونحن إيداع الأموال في إنر التي يتم تحويلها إلى الدولارات والعملية هي نفسها عندما يكون لدينا لجعل الانسحاب.
1. المشكلة هي فتح حساب مع سفسفكس.
كيف يمكنني الخروج منه.
ماذا ستكون العواقب إذا كنت لا أعمل الحساب أو إذا سحبت الأموال التي أودعتها وترك الباقي؟
يقول التعميم ربي يقول النقد الاجنبى ولكن الاستغلال غير قانوني. إلى أي مدى هل هذا صحيح.
أرجون - اتصل بنفس المسؤولين لإغلاقه. لا أعرف الكثير عن ذلك. أيضا، ونأمل القراء الآخرين من هذا المنصب فهم الآن عن رأيي أن كيفية هذه الشركات إدارة أعمالهم بشكل غير قانوني.
ديت سيدي بلز تخبرني أن تداول العملات الأجنبية هو قانوني أم لا ولماذا يقول بيكوس أوفكس إكسوكوتيف لا توجد مشكلة عندما ش ويوسيرل 10 لاك أقل من المبلغ وليس التحقيق الاستعلام عن ذلك أكثر من 10 لاك الصفقة ربي محظورة لذلك أريد 100 دولار الاستثمار لا العليا حتى يمكن أفعل ذلك أم لا، وإذا كنت تفعل ذلك ثم أي نوع من العقاب على لي رجاء الرد لي لأن الكثير من لا. الناس يتداولون في الفوركس الذين يعيشون في الهند.
وأوضح كمال-I الشرعية بالفعل.
بلز سيدي يقول لي الكثير من الناس يتداولون في الفوركس الذي يعيش في الهند ولا يزال أي إجراء قانوني اتخذته حكومتنا لماذا؟ وتقول لي يمكنني التجارة في العملة المستقبلية والبنك تشارك أيضا في المعاملات الأجنبية وأي إجراء اتخذتها لهم. في أقل كمية يمكنني التجارة في الفوركس أو لا والقيام بذلك ثم ما سيحدث.
كمال-سواء تصرفت الحكومة أم لا هو ترك لها. ولكنني هنا أضع الشرعية. تبقى بقية معك لاتخاذ قرار.
مدونتها حقا & # 8230؛ وبصرف النظر عن العملات الأجنبية هناك الكثير من المعلومات المتعلقة التخطيط الاستثمار ولكن قد أعرف لماذا تداول العملات الأجنبية غير قانوني في الهند & # 8230؛ أحاول أن أعرف لماذا غير قانوني & # 8230؛ على الرغم من أن هناك بلد أكثر غامرة مثل الهند إعطاء الإذن للتداول في سوق الفوركس & # 8230؛. الفوركس وسيط أعتقد لا الغشاش أنها تنظم من قبل بعض السلطة المصممة مثل فس، ميفيد، سيسيك، & # 8230؛. و الكثير .. لديهم منصة المناسبة المناسبة وتقدم منصة للتداول & # 8230؛ عملية إيداع وانسحاب أيضا إساي & # 8230؛ الآن السؤال يأتي & # 8230؛ كيف أعرف عن ذلك & # 8230؛ كنت في دبي سنة قليلة مرة أخرى & # 8230؛ أنا أحيا مكالمة من واحدة من فوركس وسيط ممثل انه يعلمني بعض الشيء عن it..wew الأسبوع لقد فعلت البحث على ذلك & # 8230؛ أولا أنا استثمرت 5 ك أوسد التي فقدت مع في 1 شهر & # 8230؛ مرة أخرى أنا إيداع 5 ك أوسد و 4 الشهر أنا تتاجر مع لهم & # 8230؛ بعد 4 أشهر أنا انسحب 46 k أوسد & # 8230؛
وكان وسيط أيضا بالضيق معي ولكن أنا جعلت المال مع معرفتي & # 8230؛
حتى تجد بعض الطرق للقيام بذلك .. لا تذهب ضد التنظيم .. ولكن سيكون هناك طريقة & # 8230؛ كما كبار الوزراء الفاسدين و & # 8230؛ & # 8230؛ القيام به.
أرون - إذا كان الوزراء الفاسدين كبير يكسر القانون يعني نحن أيضا؟ هل تداول الفوركس هو الطريقة الوحيدة لكسب المال؟ هناك فرص كافية للتجار في الهند نفسها ثم لماذا هذا فقط؟
هو هيب هو قانوني في الهند.
كيشوري-ماذا تقصد هيب؟ لم أسمع عن هذا.
برنامج الاستثمار عالية الغلة (هيب) مماثلة تدفع للنقر (بتك)
هل هو قانوني للتعدين بيتكوين من الهند؟ سؤال آخر هو، إذا كنت نقل الدولار من المال المثالي لباي بال ثم إلى حسابي المصرفي، هل هناك أي مشكلة التنظيم الهندي؟
بسنت-أنا لا أدرك أن الكثير عن بيتكوين الشرعية. من الواضح أنه سيكون مشكلة إذا كان المال غير قانوني، أولا البنك الخاص بك نفسه سوف يطلب من مصدر المال.
سيدي، سوف البنك يطلب من مصدر المال إذا كان مبلغ الصفقة هو مبلغ صغير جدا حوالي 20000 شهريا؟
الرجاء سيدي إعطاء بعض الحلول.
بسنت-نعم، يسألون خاصة إذا كان من خارج البلاد.
ماذا سيحدث إذا قلت لهم من التعدين بيتكوين؟ ويرجى اقتراح ما سيكون من الآمن أن أقول عن المصدر؟
بسنت، ثم يريدون معرفة ما إذا كان المصدر الذي قلت ذلك هو الصحيح أم لا. آسف، لست هنا لكسر القانون ومساعدتك. بدلا من ذلك، أقترح عليك اختيار الطريقة القانونية. الآن هو تركت معكم.
أريد فقط أن أعرف عن برنامج التحويلات المالية الليبرالية؟ يرجى شرح ذلك.
فما هي العقوبة القصوى على هذا النشاط مثل عدم القدرة على القول مصدر الدخل أو مصدر الدخل غير المشروع؟
باسنت الاتصال المسؤولين في البنك.
مرحبا باسافاراج توناغاتي،
مقالك يعطي فكرة واضحة عن الفوركس. هل لديك أي اقتراح أو نظرة ثاقبة حول كومار أقوال في 1 مارس 2018 في 12:20 بيإم.
رام-1) لماذا يجب أن أذهب إلى الخارج من أجل تجارة الفوركس؟ 2) تشكيل الشركة للفرد لنفس تداول الفوركس؟ يبدو أن يكون قليلا على إكسيتيتد القيام به في أي ثمن 🙂 3) ويبدو أنه تاجر أو شخص من شركة الوساطة، الذي يدعي أن التداول الفوركس فقط هو أفضل مهنة. But negating the risks involved. This is how the commmon man be in trap and loose money. Trading is too risky. 4) Whether trading in Forex is only way for common man uplift? Too strange. 5) Why only small backward countried allowed such trading and why not developed countries? Also, is it necessary to follow other countries blindly? 6) He seems to be more of a activist than a knowledgeable trader. Let him get more expeirence and maturity about TRADING 🙂
Hope you got my answers for his lengthy comment 🙂
I am a forex trader and I love trading in forex. I also have traded in Nifty and I have watched USDINR or other currency pairs in Indian exchanges. I want to tell you..if you want to make good money..go to forex…yes it is b best option so far. Best volatility and best volumes. If you do not know technical analysis then trading is gambling for anyone in any market. If you know how to trade then you can make money anywhere but if you want make lot of money then only place is forex. AND MOST IMPORTANT EVERYONE KNOWS WHO MOVES INDIAN MARKET . IT IS BETTER TO TRADE IN FOREX WHERE NO ONE CAN MOVE MARKET IN THEIR FAVOUR.
Suhas-Best of luck 🙂 May I know the exact meaning of IF YOU KNOW HOW TO TRADE and LOT OF MONEY THEN ONLY PLACE IS FOREX.
You think you re an expert in english? Oxford university certified?.Try to answer the questions rather than asking silly questions.
Sarath-I am not proclaimed myself as an EXPERT 🙂 Please check your facts and let me know where I mentioned myself as an expert. Silly questions? Let the readers of the post decide. I don’t know why it is hurting you so much if I input legality of Indian law 🙂
I have answers for all your questions.
1) Forex markets are extremely volatile and have a lot of money making oppurtunites. The amount traded in EUR/USD alone is equal to 10 times the amount traded in all stock exchanges in the world together in a day and 1,00,000 times the amount traded in nifty.
2) Trading is not too risky if you have proper money management and pre determined rules. This is what you know as an expert? A simple assertion that “TRADING IS TOO RISKY”.Risk is everywhere. You work for hours in office. You risk obesity and diabetes sitting in the same place.
3)Many countries in the world including DEVELOPED countries allow forex trading. Of course, FOrex trading is where money exchanges hands and there is a good chance you can make money from a small investment.
4) Indian market is riskier than forex market, here promoters control equities and rob poor people off their money. RBI, with all its money put together cannot manipulate the EUR/USD pair by even 0.01%.The market cap of Indian equities is simply too small to eradicate such manipulations.
5)Oh!! You can measure a person’s trading skill by a few comments? Lol.
Hope you got my answers for your lengthy comment 🙂
Sarath-Volatility is Good or bad? Trading is too risky a simple assertion is same as MONEY MANAGEMENT and PRE DETERMINED RULES 🙂 May I know those DEVELOPED countries please…Do you know who the manipulator of Indian market? It is not the promoter. Please check your facts of how much % the promoters hold and how often the buy and sell. Hope you correct your facts before stating that FOREX is the only money making strategy of this world 🙂
You Know why Rasoya protiens trading at 20 fell to 0.8?
You know why Allied Digital Services trading at 250 fell to 20?
You Know why India Bulls Wholesale services fell from 30 to 10?
You know why gitanjali jems fell from 600 to 40?
You know why C Mahendra Exports fell form 150 to 6?
You know why Subex fell from 600 to 6 ?
Promoters are manipulators in all these cases. Promoters create bullish sentiment for poor retailers to buy. When everybodys in, the promoters dump the stocks creating panic among retailers again. Thats ho they steal the money. Retail traders who dont have enough money to manipulate anything are the losers finally. This is how stock market works. Now tell me. Forex trading is banned only in Belarus.
البوسنة والهرسك Herzegovina, British Columbia (Canada),Bulgaria, Burma, China (Strict regulations if not total ban),Cuba, India, Indonesia, IvoryCoast, Iran, Liberia, Lithuania , Macedonia, Malaysia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Quebec (Canada),Romania, South Korea, Sri Lanka (Recently relaxed but not confirmed),St. Helena, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine Zimbabwe. Rest all the developed countries allow forex trading - France, Germany, Italy, Spain, England….
I know all about crap indian equities and why L&T finance always lingers in the range 65-75.Please try to accept. Risk is everywhere. You as a financial expert should know about these more than me about all these manipulations. Nobody Cares about rupee at all. Even Indians dont buy rupee against the USD then How do you expect some Foreign Investor to buy our countrys’ stocks and currency. Thats the pitiful situation of our country , equities and ever deteriorating rupee..
Sarath-It the lack of knowledge that makes you to invest in such companies which you named. When I am INVESTING then the current L&T range of 65-75 not matters to me. Also, do you feel there is no manipulation in forex trading??
Those companies were really good before promoters started robbing investors money. Its not the lack of knowledge. Well, Can you name a few companies with your great knowledge that will give me returns 5 years from now? I am ready to invest. Moreover if I make losses from the names you suggest, will you compensate me for the losses incurred because of your advice. You said I lack Knowledge. Well, no one can suggest anything. Because RISK is everywhere. Lol, if you invest, it doesnt matter how the stock moves. What a joke. Imagine a person who invested 65 lakhs in L&t. He will lose a lot even if stock moves by a small fraction. Whats the guarantee that stock will always move up after you invest? What if it doesn’t even after 20 years.?Will you keep the money INVESTED adamantly till you reach 70?
And coming to your final question. Manipulation in forex. I already told you its not easy to manipulate forex as it is to manipulate a stock. Simply because huge amount flows in and out. Since it involves huge amount of risk to manipulate forex, even banks are not brave enough to take the risk of manipulating forex, as they appoint qualified traders to trade on their behalf who trade with strict rules. Not like as you said, invest and forget. You are wrong. The current range should matter to you even if you invest. May be as a certified financial planner, you only throw pieces of advice to your clients to INVEST AND FORGET ABOUT CURRENT RANGE. IT DOESNT MATTER AS YOU’RE INVESTING. After a few years your clients will be after you. Caution.
Sarath-Equity investment meant for 5 years? This where you and me getting different views 🙂 Check your facts about equity INVESTMENT. Volatility is inherent. But it subdue when we invest for long term. When you invest in cheap stocks or the stocks which recommended by the so-called experts (who in turn brokers) then there is high possibility that they turn to negative. Look at people who look for value investment. For example Basant Maheshwari and Manekar (a person recently in news due to UB). Invest and Forget is not meant for any investment.
The difference between you and me is, you are negating the views of stock market TRADING, but I am putting the views of stock market INVESTING. Hope you understand the difference 🙂
مرحبا! Mr. Sarath i like very much your opinions and comments , i agree your comments regarding this issue..
i am alos professional Forex trader like you sine 2018, plz send me your contact to my mail, we can share our views which may help a lot both of us.
شكرا مقدما.
Bro, i have read allot about this Forex illegality in INDIA, and fed up reading.
I am also a trader earning a good amount. Not only me but there are so many traders earning through forex and withdrawing in lacs per month in INDIA, still no problem.
-So i am planning to go to foriegn country and open a bank account there and withdraw all my PROFITS in that bank account, and there are some banks in foriegn countries which provides instant bank account opening to Foriegners within 1-2 days. Then tell if i do like this and come back to india , and use that money here is it still illegal. i dont think so it will be illegal.
-And as per RBI it is stated that, We can transact $75,000 per year, and we dont have to give any reason for such transaction to RBI or Bank. If it is done in a safe way.
& # 8211؛ Read carefully and reply back what you say about this.?
Exorcist-Best of luck 🙂
Thanks bro, I am just happy that i’ll be doing trading legally in some months. 🙂 Being a Forex trader is a Proud moment for me.
Exorcist-Is the tag “FOREX TRADER” or “MAKING MONEY” makes you proud??
I am Proud of Being a “Successful Forex Trader”. And I am also Proud that i will be living a “ROYAL LIFE”. “TRADING IT’S A LIFESTYLE NOT A JOB”. 😉
I want to tread in forex. what ways to tread in fx??
Many readers of yr blog they say by opening nri account. And etc…
Tell me ways i am confused.
Pls reply on my email.
Hardik-For what purpose you want to trade?
an I do forex trading for research/ education purpose? and how?
Ashish-Trading is trading, whether you do it for business, learning or whatever reason.
for educational purpose u dnt need any ones permisiion or real money open a demo account and trade as much as u want.
SK-Such facility is called Virtual Trading.
I am also a forex trader, a signal provider and pool account manager in forex business from last 4 years and able to develop a very big and good forex earning business model where a comman man easily can earn from 10,000-50,000 INR sitting at home and can improve the life of a comman man or weaker section . After reading all the points above i would like to mention few points here please and need support –
1. Forex trading from India is illegal and there is no doubt about it but we want to do it legally from India and its legal way is you can be NRI and use the own account into that particular country where forex trading is legally allowed and can remit your profits into NRE account and can show the concern authority about your earnings and pay taxex accordingly and it is legal because you have used your stored capital for the forex trading there not by remitting funds from India.
2. You can form a company out side India ( where forex trading is legally allowed ) as a subsidiary of your Indian company ( Indian company will be parent company but this for those who have already own any company in India ) and remit funds outside to subsidiary company and subsidiary will do forex trading and will revert you the benefits as a dividend and it is legal.
3. As this is the world’s largest business ( more than 5 Trillion USD per day ) so no doubt if someone has its knowledge and proper risk management then life can be changed in short span of time and i do not feel personally that there is such a good earning opportunity on earth except Forex trading and for indian people where unemployment and poverty too high then why Indian Government is not allowing to do for a comman man ( whereas all political party and leaders talk about comman man so i think they should be serious on this business opportunity and make the laws accordingly ).
4. Its my view that most of the Indian Political Parties and Leaders ( except few leaders but may be they do not know about forex trading potential so could not be focused on this ) talk about the welfare of the people but never think seriously to do for them because if comman man will be financially strong then never will accept their dirty politics so they think that comman man should be always poor and struggler with there problems.
5. If this business have not good potential and liking with mass then why millions of millions of people attracting towards it. Very small small countries like Mauritius. Singapore. Hongkong, UAE, Indonesia, Japan and many more have allowed forex trading legally in own country then why not India. I think it is the totally matter of intentions and nothing else. Is there not involved risk for the comman man there ?
6. I am not a follower of any party but i know the power of aam aadmi ( comman man ) its result we have seen in Delhi election so my view is that we should all forex trading lovers should organise and make a common sign letter and give to Shri Narendra Modi sir who is our hourable Prime Minister as he thinks always about comman man and think for the bottom people and when we all shall be together present our interest and concern then we hope that sure he will re think and talk to the concern authorities to do it legally from India. As he has also own drive for online ( Digital India ) concept and Skill Development program. I think Forex Trading skill should be covered into his skill development program. We are also interested to do it legally from India and i am more confident that India has the best tallent in world and best growing your population so we can bring huge capital to our financial institutions through forex trading and can change jointly many comman man life. I am also a trader and can generate up to 30% per month profits easily from forex trading.
7. Already millions of people doing this business by wrong way which is also a huge loss for the government and my view is that indian government can get good revenues through this business if legally allowed.
8.So i think for this program please email me and decide jointly how we can be collective for this concern and can be reach our message to the government. I think huge unemployment can be remove by this business . I need your valuable feed back or suggetion please. أتمنى لك كل خير.
I agree with your views and ready to support your campaign. Let us make a concrete plan and put before Mr Narendra Modi. If lakhs of Indians support definitely we will win.
Mr. P. Kumar sir plz contact with me i want to talk with u via phone i m also Forex Trader .
i have read ur thoughts i m fully agree with u.
Hope u contact me.
Mr. P. Kumar, even i would support for your campaign. I have always thought of this but no support.
How do we move this forward to the government, please let us know of this.
If I do options trading with ICICI bank, will the bank ask for clarification? ICICI seems to be liberal. Do they oppose forex trading and binary trading? Thank You.
Ashish-Option trading they allow. But forex trading where Rupee not involved is hard for you to get it from ICICI. They may be liberal, but not to that extent that to close the business shortly 🙂
Is the above mentioned option refers to the Binary options ?
نعم فعلا. Its binary options Ommi.
Sir is exness is fraud company or not.
Sudhir-I don’t know about this.
Is there any amendment made on FMEA . Is the forex trading still Illegal in India? Recently i am seeing lot of advertisements and people involvements in this trading..
Also resident Indian can hold foreign stocks?
Sokkan-As of now there is no such amendment and the above post still holds valid.
What about holding a foreign stock? Consider stock of Accenture which is registered with NYSE….Is a resident Indian allowed hold that stocks?
Sokkan-Stocks will come under investment but not trading and hence allowed.
Have you read through the following notifications….is this anywhere related to this topic?
Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) Regulations, 2000 – Exemption thereof, RBI/2018-15/360 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.51, 17-12-2018.
Overseas Direct Investments by Indian Party – Rationalization / Liberalization, RBI/2018-15/371 A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No.54, 29-12-2018.
Sokkan-It is nowhere mark to Forex Trading.
I want to ask that is Binary trading legal in India or not ?
If you are not aware of above question can you suggest me anyone legal person who can answer the question ?
Ommi-I think Binary trading is a strategy of trading than a platform. If my understanding is correct then you can do so in India.
Sir, I want to know basic difference between forex and binary trading.
Suppose, if I earn any money using binary then am i suppose to pay any tax? إلخ.
شكرا للمساعدة.
Sir plz reply, waiting for your precious answer….
Hello Mr. Basavaraj,
Do you know about binaryoptions? Is it also illegal in India?
Vansh-I am not aware of it. Because I am not trader.
Trading in international commodity market is legal or not. can i choose hic platform for commodity trading or it is also illegal.
Kiran-It is already answered above.
Yes but in above article it is mentioned for currency trading only. i am asking for commodity.
Kiran-Check with your broker before going ahead. I don’t feel it is necessary as currently in India commodity trade is very much active.
sir plz tell me that xforex is safe site for forex trading and if i deal with my icici ac than it is permissable . plz reply as asap.
Varun-I am not sure about the firm you mentioned. So trade at your own risk. But yes if you do with ICICI then no problem.
nordfx. in is Certified by SEBI can i trade with this broker?
Hari-They are registered and you can trade with INR to Dollar like that. So you can do that. But I can’t guarantee about broker and trading facilities they provide or the profit or loss you bear by going with them. Do at your own risk.
hello sir i request some details.
I live in india my BROTHER PR in singapore . can i trade FX using His bank a/c .
if i get money from his bank to my indian bank account is illegal?
plz give me advice.
Mani-You can trade in your brother’s account. But what income source your brother shows when they ask for source of income?
If I intend to provide my skills on forex trading to NRI’s under PAMM account. And earn commissions or service charges from those accounts, will it be treated as legal?
Can I do that? Can it be shown in my tax return?
Awaiting for your reply soon.
after reading your blog i came to know forex trading is not leagal.
i wanted to know if suppose we wanted to withdraw our amount(big amounts) from the trading a/c to our bank a/c.
then is it also not legal(after paying the taxes),as up now the dollar is getting converted to rupees.
Yuvraj-But what you will answer to Bank officials or tax department about the source of transfer?
so is there any possible way to get the withdrawals. and is it possible to get it in small denominations. like 20k per month so that my total income remains less then 2.5 lakh.
and one more thing if i go abroad for further studies and then withdraw it in my NRO a/c, is it possible.
Yuvraj-I am not aware of the ways which are illegal. So not aware of such things.
ohk. ليس هناك أى مشكلة. i’ll find the way out.
Dear Basavaraj Sir.
Could you please share how could we trade in Indian Forex if we want to replicate the same movement / trade from International Pair like EUR/USD or USD/JPY.
Am highly grateful to you for Creating this Post.
Ankit-As I said above, you can only trade with rupee as one currency against rest of currencies.
hello sir, recently i opened an account in bigoption/ i can trust this because they asking for documents to submit. so in future we may not face problems from money laundering issue.
Vikram-What documents are they asking? Also how you arrived to conclusion that there will not be any issue if they are asking for documents?? It is completely an eyewash.
Hi, I have a question can we advice forex scrip (e. g USD/EUR or NZD/USD) in public domain at what price to buy and sell as I am in India. Will it be legal.
Sharma-You can give advice if you follow the rules and regulation stipulated for an EXPERT. I am not aware of the regulatory framework of currency expert advisory.
TradersWay is legal or not legal.
I have invested @ Rs 6000 ($100 Dolar). Pl advice.
Yajuvendra-Check it’s legality if for currency trading then it must be with rupee otherwise it is not legal. I will not comment on any organization or company. It is up to them to take risk and it is your wish to put your money.
I have read one article which contains “100% LEGAL WAY TO TRADE FOREX FROM INDIA”
As of content of the article – A person has to open an International Bank Account in his name and then transfer funds from India to his International Bank Account by using LRS Scheme of RBI, and when your funds trnasferred from India to International, the legality of India is closed. And then open a Trading Account which operated under a regulations by the Same Country. Then all the legalities shall apply in their country and it should be treated as LEGAL.
My Question is : “IS IT LEGAL FORM TO TRADE FOREX” by using the said manner ?
Please reply with your best answer.
Awaiting your reply very very soon.
VNS-This may be way of avoiding the legality. But how you bring back the earned income to India bank? The answer to your question is explained by themself only stating that it illegal 🙂
no Forex trading is iligal in India. My one friend is working that like field.
is CFD allowed in India?
Parth-It is not allowed to trade.
how to open account &broking office.
Mahesh-Please contact SEBI.
According to law Funding from India in forex trading is illegal. So what? Nothing is impossible. There are many other ways to fund that can be hide from RBI. Like paypal and money bookers. so dont worrry guys. Funding through money bookers is safe and RBI cant see what you doing from this account. So, Invest it, Trade it and Live it…..
Vijay-You are free bird to take risk at your own 🙂
Dear Basavaraj , it is great to share such things. Enlighten me if I may do forex trading with Indian Infoline IIFL, is it legal.
Bijen-Yes it is legal as they abide by law of land.
Dear Mr. Tonagatti,
مقال جميل. Good insight about Forex trading in India and government regulations.
One thing which I did not like here is the negative views about Forex trading. As you may be aware of the fact that several people are trading Forex successfully using some consistent strategy/method. The problem with Indian laws and lawmakers particularly in last couple of decades – they lack balanced thinking while making any laws. They lack vision and mostly their thinking is one-sided while framing any law. Laws are meant to cover almost all situations and almost all people and benefits almost all those come under law. Also, they are supposed to provide checks and balances to make it harder to violate such laws. Of course there will be exceptions and few corner cases but in this Forex laws they are totally ignorant about the people who can successfully trade Forex and change their lives for better. Person from poor background can become financially well-off with Forex trading if he has right skills. I am not suggesting that Forex trading is easy and everybody can trade successfully. But, there are certainly some people those who can Trade successfully. And these so called laws are not fair to these people.
Ash-I am also not against Forex Trading but against crossing legality of land. You may say many things but still there are risks involved and common Indian investors who are more of FD savvy can’t understand these products. But let us hope for future Govt regulations and law changes for few intelligent investors 🙂
I’m from India, and I’m forex traders, and I can say that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Forex trading is not legal in India, however it is one of the most risky business, but I can say that Forex has changed my life!
And I would never ever quit forex trading, so I have decided to go abroad to establish my trading Skills.
I already have offer from Canada, Australis, UK and Poland. So I have decided to go to Poland!
I also think that people should get into this business to change their life. 🙂
Shivam-Wow….Best of luck 🙂 I am the Indian citizen and I do trade in legal way 🙂
you are a lucky one…
could you tell me exactly how can i start in forex?
I am also intending to migrate USA as I am a Graphic Designer but I am also very interested in Forex too,
what suggestions you have for me to get successful in future in forex in another country?
heloo shivam..i loved your post…i have started forex trading…i m taking coaching about technical and fundamental analysis from delhi..i love forex business..but recently i came to know that it is illegal in india. but i have decided to make forex as my future business. i am serious about forex..but please help me..i want to trade in eur/usd not in eur/inr….please help me..what should i do.
it is really informative blog. شكرا على ذلك. See i am looking for investment where i could get easy returns. recently i came across same kind of company “iforex”. they have website “iforex. in” please i need your guidance if i want to invest in forex currency trading then which company i should refer too. thanks for anticipation.
Amit-Do remember that there is nothing called “Easy Money”. If it is so then think that it is illegal or risk involves is more. First understand your risk appetite then start investing. I am against any such sites which offer these services. Rest is left at you.
Dear Amit, threre are lot of ways to trade forex from india. Im providing forex signals which means when to buy & sell forex currencies. So that you can make atleast 20-30 % every month with a proper Risk and Money management. Pls contact me on [email protected] .
Vendan-What if the result is negative 20-30%? What guarantee you provide? Are you certified?
Hi sir(Basavaraj), i am not invested my own money in forex, I am teaching forex trading in online, and few of my students outside India invest some good money in their forex a/c, and i will trade on that a/c for training them with their own real forex a/c’s (forex a/c’s with my student’s name). I will recieve the payment from my students for my trading performance on their real a/c’s. I just act as a working partner and my student act as an investor.
I will recieve my trading payment of the students a/c through e-currencies like perfect money, neteller, skrill, etc..
i want to know that ” i am trading only in foreigner a/c’s (students outside india) and getting profits from their trading a/c’s through ecurrencies, so my activities are legal or illegal to RBI ?”
If I want to pay Income tax, how i can pay for my income from my student’s a/c(foreigner a/c’s)
Arun-In your case I am not aware whether your status is NRI or not. Second thing is, you are acting on behalf of your students and using their account details to do trade. كما يمكنك الحصول على حصتك من حساب طلابك إلى حسابك. Then legally how you can be liable for any trading done on behalf of your student. But at the same time doing such set of transactions, do you think you are doing right thing on behalf of student who may face some legal issue if their money is transacting from Indian original bank account? You are claiming to be teacher but before giving suggestion better to understand what will be percussion of your student and whether they are doing such acts within the law of land or not. So think yourself and act.
I am trading in forex for 4 years, and till today, there is no problem I faced, I made withdrawal and successfully get money.
I start with free money (Contest).
Last week I made another withdrawal. This time I used another bank account. Today I got call from this bank and they asked about money they received in my name. I told them that this is from forex trading. They said forex trading is not legal in India. Shock time for me, I made another withdrawal in last month and got money without any problem,
What I need to do to complete this transaction. (355 EUR)
Pawan-Good to know 🙂 God bless in your risk taking ability in terms of return and legality.
Just say that you are orking as an affliate for the forex company.
Sarath-When I said it is illegal to do Forex Trading in India (based on facts) then how I be affiliate to Forex Company (which is purely set up on breaking the rule of land)?
I saw all u r commends and what I noticed that apart from this legal issue ….. Here is small story of my trading history with forex currently I am trading in international market from past 4 years prior to this I was ex employ of Indian commodity company heading regional branches in Karnataka for almost 8 years and m also a financial planner for my respected clients now here is comparison between indian commodities and international commodity.
Step 1 : not hedging is allowed in indian market with but hedging is allowed in Cfx there u avoid lose.
Step 2 : fundamental and technical analysation is very easy in international market but here in indian market is possible ?
Step 3 : margin utilisation is very low in Cfx 1:400 leverage and profit spreads also is same but in indian market let me u can’t ?
Step 3 : afcourse I agree that non of indian regulatory are involved in forex but FSA is involved its international govt boby to safe guard the investor money because I trade with ECN brokers they are not a market maker.
Step 4: if u r forex or CFx platform is registered under FSA and listed under ECN brokers then there is no issue with u r investment there are lot value added advantages in international market if u r a smart trader u r going to make money with out fail indian people are fails to make money even thow with smart because market tuning it’s very harder to cone with profit in commodity.
Madhu-Thanks for sharing your views. But do you think that such complicated product (when we look at normal Indian investor) will understand product easily and do his own technical and risk appetite things? Also barring such trading in India is due to some money laundering issues. When you say easy to analyse the international market, may I know in what context you are saying this? Regarding regulatory framework, do you feel for retail investor it is very much easy to interact with international regulator to deal? Also Indian market or investor not to that extent that they can think of international market, because of low penetration to equity market itself. Apart from these for investor there are lot of other options to understand and trade. Why to take such complication and risk your money??
Madhu sir, i’m a Forex trader too but newbie thank you. I have bit confusion in financial matters, i need you guidance on how to withdraw and all. I’m really hving so much hope on this business, Please give your mail id or skype id so that i can contact you personally. Thank you.
I am an indian citizen living in australia on work permit Visa. I have been living abroad from last 2 years and might live for another 2 years. Forex Trading is legal in this country. So If I do forex trading in Australia, will it be legal?
I am not paying any taxes in india and not making any remittances from India to Australia account.
Jay-If no remittance from India or to India then no question of asking. But you have to act according to Australian law.
I might make remittances to India Ultimately when I get any profit. Will it be considered illegal?
Jay-Once you get profit then it get transferred to your Australian Bank Account and from Australian Bank Account to Indian Bank means no issue. But your Indian Bank Account is attached for trading then there will be issues.
Thanks Basavraj, Information you have provided has been very useful.
Thanks for sharing excellent information. I have some questions. Could you please clarify:
Question 1: My situation is also same as “Jay” موقف. Having an Australian bank account and have work permit visa. Only problem is after working in Australia I came back to india and I am residing in india now. Now can I do forex trading online from india using my Australian bank account only but not any indian bank accounts.
Question 2: Also if I get any profit in forex trading can I transfer the amount from my Australian bank account to NRE account. Do I need to explain the source of income to RBI. Could you please let me know.
شكرا على وقتك.
Rohit-You can do so. But how you bring that money to India? You need to explain the source of such amount if tax authorities asked for the same. Because you are staying here and definitely Indian bank officials raise the issue. Then what you say them?
شكرا لك سيدي. Sorry for the delayed response. I have one more question.
I have stayed more than 6 months outside india. In that case I think I attain NRI status. I would like to know.
if there is any provision that NRIs can do forex trading while residing in india temporarily. Could you please.
Rohit-The status of NRI will not come into picture. Because if you are using money transfer facility of Indian origin like your savings, current or NRE accounts then definitely it will be an issue.
Dear Mr Basavaraj,
I have a similar question which I’d be very grateful if you can answer!
I worked for several years in Australia, later became a citizen there and am also an OCI (dual citizenship in India). Now I’m working in India for the past few years, so I’m a resident of India.
I still have some savings left in my Australian bank account – can I use that for forex trading in an account opened there itself?
& # 8211؛ & GT. I will use only the existing savings held in Australia and not remit any forex from India.
& # 8211؛ & GT. I will take care to correctly report/pay applicable taxes in Australia and India.
& # 8211؛ & GT. I would be receiving the profit withdrawals in my Australian bank account, which I would remit to my SB (Resident) account in India as and when required.
& # 8211؛ & GT. the trading account is provided by a reputed company having offices in UK, Australia and a few other countries and registered with the appropriate authority/body.
In this scenario would it be legal to trade forex? Please advise soonest possible!
Many thanks in advance!
Shrikanth-But what source you mention when you remit the cash from Australia to India??
I will mention as ‘own funds’ & # 8211؛ as it would be out of income earned in AUS (on which I would have paid the tax there).
(I have transferred this way several times without any trouble.)
Shrikanth-Currently you are staying in India then how this “OWN FUNDS”? I don’t know what is prompting you to take such risk, when rest of the investments are easily available legally for you.
The legality is what I’m checking with you. Since (a) I’m not using forex remitted out of India and (b) it is openly declared, tax-paid income and (c) I’m a foreign national / dual citizen – does it not fall outside the scope of the FEMA/RBI rules? Can you please explain in detail.
I know there are other options for investments in India but as I have acquired substantial skill & knowledge of forex trading I want to include that in my portfolio if feasible.
I also want to want to check – in case forex trading & and CFDs are not allowable (because they are margin products), how about forex Options (e. g. those offered by Saxo Bank) and Binary Options?
Shrikanth-There is no illegality if you do trading using the Australian Bank. But my question is how you justify the source of amount when you remit the cash to Indian? To be frank, I am not a big fan of trading. But a huge fan of equity investment.
Hi, thanks for confirming there’s no illegality when using AUS bank account… would help if you can point out the specific section or circular for my reference. Regarding the source for remittance to India I will re-check with my bank and CA. I too agree equity investment is good for stable/long-term returns but think this trading has it’s own significance and can be a small part of the total portfolio.
Thanks once again!
Having read and heard abut this a lot there is not doubt that Forex trading is illegal in India. But thousands of Indian traders are still involved in it and the numbers are continuing to increase. I’m not yet involved in any such trading but the question that crosses my mind is “What is it in Forex trading that makes it so illegal?” Why RBI has problems with Indian traders trading Forex?
Vipul-Place where trading takes place are the countries which have loose law against money laundering. So if RBI permits this then easily a best route for illegal activity.
So if money laundering is what RBI is trying to prevent that means Indians are being kept away from an amazing money making opportunity just because there are no proper regulations in India towards Forex trading. Instead of restricting people don’t you think RBI should have a proper regulating body for Forex trading to solve the issue.
ما رأيك؟
Vipula-It is not a problem of RBI but the problem of countries where trade get executed. These countries have loose laws. Hence to safe guard the Indian economy RBI must act so.
“Safeguard our Economy” Is this what RBI says?
I wonder why in the US, Europe, Australia and UK the regulating bodies feel otherwise. Why don’t they feel it necessary to take such steps to “safeguard their economy”?
Vipula-Economical or in other words the countries you mentioned are not reeling under black money or some other financial threats to that extent than India. Also what is the point in following the so called BIG BOSS blindly? To be frank such forex trading offerings will not be from US, Europe or Australia but from the countries like Indonasia or some other third world countries.
thank you I appreciate the response.
there are forex company’s based in australia, uk, new zealand, germany etc, and that info provided by him that forex services are provided only by third world countries is inaccurate and very prejudiced, there are many local and international traders in fx based from those countries, money laundering are allowed by big indian fishes to hide their black money but not by law abiding regular resident indians who does forex for bread making activity is a very dual sided, discriminated, prejudiced and marginalized policy… hope rbi at least check on the indian traders credentials and allow them to do conditional forex trading if they are that scared of loosing money by sending amounts less than 5000 usd per year.
Bharath-Thanks for commenting 🙂 But why those Australian Forex Brokers not luring Indian investors? Why only from third world countries??
مرحبا يا سيدي! thanks for bringing your experience in to public, this gave me chance to clear my doubts about Forex Trading 😀 Sir i’m good at Forex trading and i’m earning decent income there, but i didn’t invest any money on my own, i received a bonus from a broker for winning a contest and using that bonus i improved my trading balance and planning to withdraw some. So, when i read about RBI regulations i haapened to see this FAQ.
“Q.27. Can a person resident in India hold assets outside India?
الجواب. In terms of sub-section 4, of Section (6) of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, a person resident in India is free to hold, own, transfer or invest in foreign currency, foreign security or any immovable property situated outside India if such currency, security or property was acquired, held or owned by such person when he was resident outside India or inherited from a person who was resident outside India.”
So my first question is can i receive money from a Electronic payment processor like Moneybooker or Skrill instead of individual outside India? As this company is situated out India but has a branch in India, so even i withdraw through this processor and mention source of income as “Forex investment” that shouldn’t be a problem right? I mean it should be like Gift or insurance for sure?
If above process is not available the only way is to open a bank account outside India 🙁 Is it possible?)
Sidhu-You are understanding it wrongly. Please add your shared RBI ruling with what I shared above regarding holding currency derivatives. Then you will find differentiation. If you transfer through any means and mentioned as Forex Investment then they may unearth the source of investment, where it is invested and whether it is legal or not. So you need to answer all those questions. Opening bank account in your name outside India is solution. But will the country where you are intended to open account is so free that any outsider can open account and transfer funds as their wish?? Think and decide.
Sir I have already transferred some money in the account of aforesaid company but yet not started any transaction. After reading your article now I don’t want to trade with them. Can I withdrawn my money safely?
Ravi-It is better to withdraw immediately, stop trading and if possible close the account.
Sir my question to use is supppose I withdraw funds from these online brokers via e-banks like neteller, moneybookers, etc will it be legal as in my bank statement it will show these e banks names and then I can pay taxes as income from other sources.
Ranmeet-You are right that in bank transactions it will not reflect directly to broking firm. But the question is how and what you mention the source of income, even if you mentioned the income category as “Income from Other Source”?
I think only particular comment you are allowing to post on your blog so only i am not able to post the comment so here is my reply from another mail id…you telling about a company rubbish where i invested and getting proper withdrawals. But i have checked about you DSP blackrock where there are lot of withdrawals in pending, so how can you say yourself you are a certified financial planner? so try to sort out the issues in your DSP blackrock where you act as a certified financial planner adviser bla bla bla…
Pandian-For your information any new reader who comment on blog will first need to approve by me. This is done to protect genuine commenting. Now you are very much free to view your comment and my reply. Also changing name from “Arun” to “Pandian” by commenting from the same IP Address will not mean that you are different reader who is commenting as “Arun”. Both of yours IP address are same. Hence technology is very advance and don’t do such silly things here 🙂 Also for your information I am in no way associated with DSP BlackRcok (as you both are thinking), I think the blogger meet photo published on “About BasuNivesh” is prompting you arrive this decision. But for your information DSPBR actually conducted Blogger Meet and I was one of them among top Indian Bloggers whom they called for meet. You can very much raise your voice against DSPBR, I don’t have any issue. Because I am independent planner.
Since i am not able to comment on the previous mail id replied from another and in that itself i clearly told that i am replying from another mail address…,So i just checked with the change in name can approve the post in the blog….Now all same my full name is arun pandian u can check my mail id…and can u explain me about the question i asked in the previous message.
Arun Pandian-You can check my reply and for your information, I am not at all connected with any company. I am working independent. So no need to name any one company. You are very much free to raise that particular company issue (DSPBR). I don’t have any issue. Please check my previous comment where I already replied.
Mr. Basavaraj I have invested in the same company which you told and i am getting good returns…and one more thing to be added SEBI have no work with NYSE similarly SEBI have nothing to do with (JFX Jakartha Futures Exchange)..I have gone through the conversation the executive reply for all your queries is wright…If u keep on asking doubts no one will answer…if the doubt is really good every one will answer….and one more doubt are acting as a consultant for any other trading company.
Arun-Thanks for your defensive stance 🙂 Being an investor I have every right to ask questions. If something is not as per rule of land then one must not proceed. That is what I pointed. Also may I know what is connection being me being consultant of any trading company and to this issue? Please elaborate more on this so that readers will come know who stands where.
As a investor you have rights to ask n number of questions but when the answer is given you have to realize.
the gen unity of the answer…so from the things i told in previous conversation i think you might have got the knowledge about the participation of sebi in international market….When a person from abroad coming India to trade in Indian market which SEBI? is going to help him in his country where he is staying(e. g Canada)…And do you have any relationship with DSP Blackrock??
Arun-Thanks for commenting. May I know how it is taxed in India on the gains from such trades? I need to pay tax to Govt as I earned from my investment. Hence let me know which Income Tax rule govern such earnings? Never try divert issue about rising the Canada citizen. Regarding my relationship with DSP BlackRock…why can’t you ask them directly? You are more concerned about my relationship with other existing financial institutions rather than resolving the basic point like “Forex Trading in India is legal or not” (from regulatory point of view, but not from your point). If I have any relationship with Indian financial institution also then it will be very much within the legality of Indian law. So I am very much open to this. Can we proceed further on this?? 🙂
All the the investments Which goes from India comes under NRI scheme of investment..The company Which i have invested is fully regulated and i have never faced any difficulties in withdrawal either the Equity or profit…but when i checked with DSP Black Rock…there are lot of issues in the withdrawal which are pending for such a long time and i saw the review of your concern and the reviews are relay bad..So, how you can be a certified financial planner please explain me…
Arun-According to Income Tax law I am Resident Indian and If I do this trade then suddenly how my status will change to NRI? Also let me know one thing, what type of withdrawal are pending since long with DSPBR? If you are pointing towards mutual fund, then friend please read the redemption procedure set by SEBI-maximum time it will take up is 5 working days. No one can delay the withdrawal (apart from genuine reasons). May I know which of my review is bad? May I know in which company you invested so that I can take up with issue further to doorstep of SEBI or RBI please 🙂 I am certified financial planner because I am promoting legality and rule of land. If you have any concern on this then you can very much free to complain to rewarded body.
I seriously laugh at Arun Pandiyan. He has absconded when asked about the company name. الضحك بصوت مرتفع.
Elam-Because they know what they are doing 🙂
Nice article…..I know this company and believe me investors are making huge money ranging from 25k to 50 k dollars….and transaction happening through Indian banks…but y they r not getting caught??….the company is running In Bangalore for past 5 yrs and have around 8 branches across india….how the company still surviving?!…even broker’s working thr earning commission in dollars..if it is illegal how the company still surviving. now they stopped trading in currencies but still trading in commodities and US stocks claiming that it is legal and they got certifications which is mentioned in website.!
Abdul-You are right and are operating in a daylight without any fear or regulators. It happens only in India 🙂
I am planning to buy a BDA site in Bangalore and then came to know the original documents are missing from the current seller but all other relevant documents are available like alotment from BDA and sale deeds from the previous seller and EC is OK and in BDA office all the documents are no issue.
Ramakrishna-This is not relevant to the above post. I request you to visit the “Contact Us” page and submit your request there. We will reply.
Part VIII – Getting Started With Trading – Tax Guide for Traders in India.
Traders today have so much of compelling options to trade in the stock market varying from stocks, futures, or options to manage their capital more wisely and achieve their trading objectives. But on the other side, they are obligated under income tax regulations to file their returns in right manner and pay taxes on their trading profits. So, it becomes important for any trader to understand the taxation treatment of trading business in India so that they can plan their trading activity accordingly and achieve their goals.
In an attempt to make your task simple and easier while filing your income tax, we are writing these series of posts to help you understand how we traders are obligated under the law to take care of filling of our trading activities.
Classification of Trading / Investment Income.
Income from trading or investment activity can be classified into four different sets:-
Long Term Capital Gain Short Term Capital Gain Speculative Business Income Non-Speculative Business Income.
Long Term Capital Gain.
Stocks sold after holding for more than 365 days – Tax Free.
Investments for more than one year (365 Days) are considered to be long term and profits arising out from selling a stock after holding it for 12 months will be treated as a long term capital gain (LTCG) which as per the section 10 (38) of the income tax act is exempt from tax provided such a transaction is done through a recognized stock exchange for which Security transaction tax (STT) is paid.
Enjoy 100% of the profits you made out of your long term investments.
Short Term Capital Gain.
Stocks sold after holding for more than one but less than 365 days – 15% Tax.
Any profit arising out from selling a stock after holding it for less than 12 months will be treated as a short term capital gain and will be taxed at 15% provided you take the delivery of shares in your demat account (Exchange has a settlement time of T+2 working days, so any stock that you bought on Monday comes in your dmat account only on the 2 nd day from date of purchase i. e. Wednesday).
Speculative Business Income.
Equity Intra-Day or Non-Delivery Trading – Taxed as per Tax Slab.
Any transaction where you buy and sell the shares on the same day is a Day Trade . Any profits and losses arising from any such transaction will be considered as Speculative Activity.
As per section 43(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, profits earned by trading equity for intraday or non-delivery is categorized as Speculative Business Income and will be added to your other income under the head income from business / profession and will be taxed according to your total income slab.
Non-Speculative Business Income.
العقود الآجلة & أمب؛ Options Trading – Taxed as per Tax Slab.
Income from trading Futures & Options (F&O) on a recognized exchanges (Equity, Commodity or Currency) will be considered as Non-Speculative Business Income . These income must be added to your total income and taxed according to your new respective tax slab.
As these incomes are considered as business income, so you can offset it with business expenses you incur to earn it like depreciation, internet bills, advisory fees, software charges, and more.
For those who are active traders and would like to make up a trading plan specifically for F&O trading, here are couple of articles to help you learn more about Futures Trading, Important Aspects of Trading, important trading rules and how to trade Nifty & Bank Nifty Futures?
Are You an Investor or a Trader?
The first and foremost decision that any market participant has to make before filling Income tax is to declare whether he / she is an investor or a trader? Income tax regulations in India treats the activity of a trader and investor in different ways and have in-turn different taxation treatment and obligations. An investor can treats his short term income from equities as capital gains and pay a flat tax of 15% while a trader has to declare his income from short term equity trades as business income and is obligated to pay tax as per his taxation slab which in case of higher tax slab individuals can mount up to 30%.
Still a lot of ambiguity is there in Indian taxation laws specially in case of how to treat short term income from trading in taxation. So, there are some important questions which comes to the mind of most market participants in India while declaring their investment activities in their yearly tax fillings.
& # 8211؛ Whether to declare self as an investor or trader?
& # 8211؛ Whether to declare your short term equity trading activity as investments or business?
& # 8211؛ Whether you can declare self as an investor if you don`t trade in f&o segment?
& # 8211؛ Whether you can declare self as an investor if you don`t trade in f&o segment but engaged in trading as a full time business?
To clarify some of the doubts read the article below to get a glimpse of who is an investor or a trader as per tax laws and how to treat your short term trading activity while filling income tax (the most un-clarified and ambiguous clause)?
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala who is an investor and a trader must also have a lot of disputes with tax authorities on how to declare his trading as against investments.
Read the story of inspiration of a young dreamer who started back in 1985 at the age of 25 years with limited capital of only Rs. 5000 but with big dreams, who spent day and night to understand the rules of the games, whose courage and dedication made him a billionaire & surely one of the most followed and respected investor / trader in India & across the globe. The one who broke all the fixed rules of trading and laid down the foundations for others to follow.
Earlier, a lot of disputes use to exist since it was difficult to prove the intention in acquiring shares/securities. So, to to reduce litigation and uncertainty some clarity on how the surplus generated from sale of listed shares or other securities would be treated as Capital Gain or Business Income was published by the Ministry of Finance on Feb 29th, 2018 which will reduce the disputes raised by the Tax Assessing Officer.
Section – I Taxation for Investors in India.
Taxation on Trading Stocks in India for Investors.
Long Term Trading Tax in India / Long Term Capital Tax on Stocks in India for Investors.
Stock hold for more than 12 months – Long Term Capital Tax.
Investments for more than one year are considered to be long term and attract no tax on profits. Profits arising out from selling a stock after holding it for 12 months will be treated as a long term capital gain (LTCG) which as per the section 10 (38) of the income tax act is exempt from tax (provided such a transaction is done through a recognized stock exchange for which Security transaction tax (STT) is paid). Enjoy 100% of the profits you made out of your long term investments.
While on the other hand, any loss arising from selling the stock after 12 months will not be adjusted against any short or long term capital gain from any source.
Suppose, Mr. Shrinivasan has bought 1000 shares of Tata Motors at Rs. 260 on April 9th 2018 and he sold it at Rs. 500 on Sept 17 th 2018, then the total long term profit of Rs. 2.4 Lacs arising from this investment will be exempt from tax and he can enjoy the 100% profits and don`t have to pay any income tax on it.
While on the other hand, if he has bought 1000 shares of DLF at Rs. 230 on April 9 th 2018 and sold it at Rs. 167 on Sept 17 th 2018, then the total short term loss of Rs. 63,000 arising from this investment will not be adjusted against the profit made from Tata Motors or any other source.
If the investment and the consequent sale were done via an off-market transaction (transferring from one DP to another persons DP), then the Long Term Capital Gain Tax on:-
Short Note for Taxation for Long Term Investing In India.
# 1. Profits or Losses from long term investments will be treated as Long Term Capital Gain or Loss.
# 2. Profits from Long term investments will be tax free (Provided they are done through an exchange and sold after holding for more than one year, i. e. 365 days)
#3. Losses from Long term investments cannot be adjusted against any short term and long term profits.
#4. STT paid to the Govt cannot be claimed as expense for Investing.
Short Term Trading Tax in India / Short Term Capital Tax on Stocks in India for Investors.
Stocks hold for less than 12 months – Short Term Capital Tax.
Any profit arising out from selling a stock after holding it for less than 12 months will be treated as a short term capital gain and will be taxed at 15% provided you take the delivery of shares in your demat account (Exchange has a settlement time of T+2 working days, so any stock that you bought on Monday comes in your dmat account only on the 2 nd day from date of purchase i. e. Wednesday).
While on the other hand, any loss arising out of the short term trading can be carry forwarded to a period of 8 years against any short term capital gain or long term capital gain, if these loses are declared while filling the income tax returns.
Suppose, Mr. Shrinivasan has bought 1000 shares of Tata Motors at Rs. 260 on April 9 th 2018 and sold them at Rs. 420 on Mar 04 th 2018, then he has to pay a short term capital gain tax of 15% (i. e. Rs. 24,000) on his profit of Rs. 1.6 Lacs.
While on the other hand, if he has bought 1000 shares of DLF at Rs. 230 on April 9 th , 2018 and sold them at Rs. 140 on Mar 04 th 2018, then the total loss of Rs. 90,000 arising from this investment can be netted against the profits made from Tata Motors or any capital gain arising within the period of 8 years.
Short Note for Taxation for Short Term Investing In India.
# 1. Profits or Losses from short term investments will be treated as short term capital gain or loss.
# 2. Profits from short term investments (within one year) will be treated as short term capital gain and taxed at 15%.
#3. Loss from short term investments can be carry forwarded to a period of 8 years against any short term capital gain or long term capital gain, if these loses are declared while filling the income tax returns in respective years.
Investors should take a good note of the total holding period of any stock they are planning to sell, as any stock sold after holding it for even 364 days will be considered as short Term and not Long Term. So, to take the benefit of the long term capital gain keep a fair note on the holding period of the stock.
Another important point to consider here is that if you have bought and sold the same shares many times, then you will have to use FIFO method to calculate the holding period and in-turn your Capital Gains.
Section – II Taxation for Traders in India.
Taxation on Long term Equity, Short term Equity & Tax on Futures and Options in India – Non-Speculative Business Income / Loss.
Equity Delivery and F&O Trading – Taxed as per Income Tax Slab.
If you are trading futures & options or day trading stocks on a recognized stock exchange, then you have to declare yourself as a Trader. So, equity trading for short term or long term will be considered as Business Trading and will be taxed just similar to taxation of ‘Futures & Options’.
Profits arising out from selling a stock after holding it for 12 months or less than 12 months (excluding equity day trade or BTST) or from trading derivatives will be treated as a Business Income and added to your total income and taxed according to your new respective tax slab.
As these incomes are considered as business income, so you can offset it with business expenses you incur to earn it like depreciation, internet bills, advisory fees, software charges, and more.
While on the other hand, any loss arising from trading derivatives will be considered as Non Speculative Business Loss and can be offset against any other business income including speculative business income (Income from Day Trading) except salary in the same year. So you can set-off against bank interest income, rental income, capital gains, but only in the same year .
The balance, if any, can be carried forward and set off only against non-speculative business income within eight assessment years immediately succeeding the assessment year in which the loss was first computed.
For Example, In the year 2018-14, Mr. Shrinivasan has a annual salary of Rs. 6 lacs and he has incurred a total loss from derivatives of Rs. 1 lac and his income from day trading is Rs. 25000 and other business income (apart from salary) is Rs. 1.5 lacs then his loss from derivatives (1 Lacs) can offset from day trading income (25000) and other sources (75,000).
Therefore, his taxable income will be Rs. 6 lacs + [25000 + 1.5 lacs – 1 lac] is Rs. 6.75 Lacs and will be taxed according to his tax slab of 20%.
The above criteria are very much applicable to those whose only source of income is trading business but if you are salaried or you have some other business income as your primary or core income source then it becomes easier to show your equity profits as capital gains.
If you are trading F&O and doing frequent short term equity then you have to declare self as a trader but even then you can declare your long term profits as long term capital gains and be exempt from taxes. So, you can be a trader as well as an investor at the same time.
So, taxation rules are clear for speculative day trading and non-speculative futures trading, as any income from these two sources will surely has to be declared as business income.
But for long term investments, all the stocks that you have sold after holding for more than one year can be declared as long term capital gain and thus exempt from tax while if you are trading stocks frequently then all these income should be declare as speculative rather than capital gain.
Therefore, it becomes important to stay consistent with what you are declaring self while doing tax returns. So, consult a CA to determine what to declare self while filing tax returns to achieve your trading objectives in futures.
# 1. Speculative Trading in Stocks or F&O trading requires you to declare yourself as a Trader.
# 2. Profits or Losses from equity trading for long term or short term and derivatives trading will be taxed as Income from Business/Profession, if trading is your only source of Income.
#3. Profits will be added to your total income and taxed according to your respective tax slabs.
#4. Losses from derivatives trading cannot be deducted from salary income but can be offset against any other income (including day trading income) in same year.
# 5. Losses can be carried forward and set off only against non-speculative business income within eight assessment years immediately succeeding the assessment year in which the loss was first computed.
#6. Business expenses including depreciation, internet bills, advisory fees, software charges, and more. can be offset against your profits income.
# 7. ITR 4 should be used while filling taxation for individuals trading derivatives.
#8 . The only thing that you’ll have to know is whether to get your books audited or not. So, If you turnover for the financial year is > 1 crore and your profits are less than 8% of the turnover, you have to compulsorily get your books audited. But if you total income is below the taxable limit, then there is no need to undergo tax audit.
#9. Taxation rules are clear for speculative day trading and non-speculative futures trading, as any income from these two sources will surely has to be declared as business income. If you are trading F&O and doing frequent short term equity then you have to declare self as a trader but even then you can declare your long term profits as long term capital gains and be exempt from taxes. So, you can be a trader as well as an investor at the same time.
Taxation on Intraday Trading (Equities) in India – Speculative Business Income / Loss.
Equity Day Trading (Intraday Trading) or Non-Delivery Trading – Taxed as per Income Tax Slab.
Any transaction where you buy and sell the shares on the same day is a Day Trade. Any profits and losses arising from any such transaction will be considered as speculative and will be added or netted of against your income from business/profession.
So, any profit from day trading (equities) will be considered as a speculative income and will be added to your other income under the head income from business / profession and will be taxed according to your total income slab.
Suppose, Mr. Srinivasan`s total salary income is Rs. 6 lacs and his day trading profits for the year is 1.5 lacs, then his total income will be 7.5 lacs and will be taxed as per 20% slab.
While on the other hand, any loss from the day trading will be considered as a speculative loss and can be carried forward against only speculative profit within the period of next 4 years and not against long term or short term capital gains or non speculative income (F&O Income) as per Section 73(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Suppose, Mr. Srinivasan had incurred a day trading loss of 1 lac and booked a short term profit of 2 lacs during the same year, then the 1 lac loss cannot be netted off against 2 lacs profit. So, he has to pay short term tax on 2 lacs profit and 1 lac loss can offset against any speculative profits within next four years.
# 1. Profits or Losses from day trading equity will be considered as Speculative Profit or Loss.
# 2. Profits from day trading equities will be considered as speculative income and will be added to other income and taxed as per your tax slab.
#3. Any loss from speculative (day trading equities) cannot be adjusted against short or long term profits or non speculative income (F&O Income) but can be offset against speculative profits within the next four years.
Set-off & Carry forward the Business Losses.
To carry forward the losses in the subsequent years, the perquisite is that they should be filed in the same year the losses were incurred, else you cannot carry forward them in the subsequent years.
Speculative business losses (Equity Intraday Trading Losses) can be carry forward for a period of 4 years and can be set-off only against any speculative gains and not against non-speculative (F&O) gains,
Non-Speculative Business Losses (F&O Trading Losses) can be set-off against any other business income ( bank interest income, rental income, capital gains) except salary income in the same year and balance if any can be carry forward for the next 8 years and can set-off only against any non-speculative gains made in that period.
We can understand the pain you might have felt by having losses in your trading positions at the end of the financial year. Its really a pain which needs to be addressed and surely can be rectified.
We all traders commit similar trading mistakes and felt into the trap. If you had huge losses from day trading then you must have been trapped into the general philosophy of confusing day trading with trading every day. Actually it is not. We have addressed the issue and elaborated the same Why Trading Everyday is a Silly Plan & What to do Instead?
Also, if you have been trading futures market, then its important to note that trading is all about planning and following your trading rules strictly and nothing else. So, preparation is generally the key for the success of most professional traders and for traders it all about understanding the importance of designing a trading plan and implementing it. They are no different than us, but just they remain stick to what they planned and follow it blindly. There are 12 Step-wise Trading Rules for New Traders to be Safe in the Market which can help you stay in the market forever and be successful.
Every trader or an investor goes through this stage but its important to take steps to rectify it and not repeat it again. And there is no better way than to learn from the Legends themselves. Refer to the below books and other recommended books on investing and trading to help you learn how some of the successful traders or investors deal with their losing steak, recovered from the bad days, make a mark from this business and made millions.
Mandatory Tax Audit for Traders.
Any trader will have to undergo the audit of accounts if the Turnover for the financial year is greater than Rs. 1 crore (provided his annual income is more than 2.5 lacs). So, if your total income (trading + Salary or other business) is lesser than Rs 2.5 lacs, you don’t need an audit even if the turnover for the year is greater than 1 crore.
How to Calculate the Turnover for Tax Audit?
Turnover is being calculated to determine if you need a tax audit or not?
For Intraday equity — absolute sum of settlement profits and losses per scrip For Delivery equity — sell side value of the stock For F&O (Equity, Currency, Commodity) — absolute sum of settlement profits & losses for F&O) per scrip and the sell side value of option contracts.
Suppose, you bought 1 lot (25 units) BankNifty futures at Rs. 17700 and sold it at 17800, then you made a profit of Rs. 2500 and say on some other day, you had a loss of Rs. 1500, then the total turnover will be summed up as 2500+1500 = Rs. 4000. So, all such settlement profits & losses added together (absolute) summed together forms up as turnover.
Suppose you bought BankNifty 19,000 CA @ 100 and sold it @ 300, then turnover will be 25 x (300-100) = 5000.
In another case, suppose you bought BankNifty 19,000 CA @ 100 and sold it @ 50, then total turnover will be 25 x (100-50) = 1250.
Lastly. suppose you bought BankNifty 19,000 CA @ 100 and it expires worthless, then the total turnover will be 25 x (100-0) = 2500.
Difference between Trading Turnover and Settlement turnover for audit?
To understand the difference between the trading and settlement turnover calculation for audit, Refer to the illustration.
Suppose, Mr. Srinivasan bought 100 shares of Tata Motors at 400 and sold 100 shares at 380 then his trading volume will be Rs 78000 but his settlement turnover will be just Rs 100×20= Rs. 2000. So, All such settlement profits and losses summed up together if exceeds Rs 1 crore, only then is the audit required.
More generally referred to as ‘pay-as-you-earn’ tax structure. When you have a business income you have to pay most of your taxes before the year ends on March 31st. Advance taxes are required to be paid by individuals as well as corporate, so there are no exceptions. So, if you think at the end of the year, you will have taxable income say apart from salary, then advance tax has to be paid.
As per our tax laws, any business income earned in India will attract the tax to be paid in advance as.
– 30% by 15th September.
& # 8211؛ 60% by 15th December, and.
& # 8211؛ 100% by 15th March.
So, if your tax liability comes out to be more than Rs. 10,000 in a financial year then you need to pay it in advance as per the % structure mentioned above.
This is very simple to calculate and pay if we talk of business income which is assured. But the issue comes with the business income or capital gains from trading as the income which was positive say till end of 15th September may turn out to be less if the trader incur losses in the subsequent months. The net income at the end of the month may be less or even negative.
Do we need to pay advance taxes in case of short term capital gains & profits from trading futures?
Yes, if you have any short term capital gains then advance tax is required to be paid on the booked profit but on the other hand if the gain is notional i. e. you are still holding the stock, there is no need of advance tax.
In case of Futures, since it is considered as a business, you will have to pay advance tax on the estimated profits and say if you had a net loss in the year end then you can claim refund of the advance tax paid.
The problem arises when you didn`t had any profits in the first few months and later your profits rises in the last few months.
Therefore, Payment of advance tax depends on your projected ‘Total Income’ and not income from trading only.
So, you can pay advance tax by Sept 15th for what was earned till that period and you can make the balance tax payment by March 15th. So if you have booked profit from stocks, you can pay advance tax only on that profit.
Also, if you have paid more tax than what was supposed to be paid as per your total business income for the financial year, you can claim a tax refund.
And yes, not paying may have a penalty of 12% annualized interest for the period by which it was delayed.
You can visit Advance Tax Calculator on Income tax Department website to calculate the tax to be paid.
What about Advance Tax for Salaried?
If you are salaried, you need not pay advance tax on your salary income as your employer deducts tax at source (TDS) from your salary regularly and pay it in advance to the government.
But if you have any other income apart from salary then you are required to take care of your advance tax laibility. So, any income from capital gains on shares or house property, interest on fixed deposits are required to be included and advance tax is required to be paid after adjusting for expenses or losses, if any.
So, advance tax for salaried are payable only on their other income and not on salary.
Can we choose the tax only at the end of the year as it is difficult to estimate the earning from trading?
If our tax liability comes out to be more than Rs. 10,000 in a financial year then we need to pay it in advance as per the % structure mentioned above.
But what if we don`t?
Then it will attract the interest of 1% per month on the non paid tax.
How is Interest Calculated for Non-Payment of Advance Tax on Trading?
The Income Tax Act has prescribed sections to provide how interest for non - payment/short payment/deferment in payment of advance tax will be calculated:
(i) INTEREST U/S 234A: For late or non furnishing of return , simple interest @ 1% for every month from the due date of filing of return to the date of furnishing of return, on the tax as determined or on regular assessment as reduced by TDS/advance tax paid or tax reliefs.
(ii) INTEREST U/S 234B: For short fall in payment of advance tax by more than 10% , simple interest @ 1% per month is chargeable from 1st April of the assessment year to the date of processing or to the date of completion of regular assessment, on the tax as determined or on regular assessment less advance tax paid/ TDS or tax reliefs.
(iii) INTEREST U/S 234C: For deferment of advance tax. If advance tax paid by 15th September is less than 30% of advance tax payable, simple interest @ 1% is payable for three months on tax determined on returned income as reduced by TDS/TCS/Amount of advance tax already paid or tax relief.
Similarly, if amount of tax paid on or before 15th December is less than 60% of tax due on returned income, interest @ 1% per month is to be charged for 3 months on the amount stated as above.
Again, if the advance tax paid by 15th March is less than tax due on returned income, interest @ 1% per month on the shortfall is to be charged for one month.
(iv) INTEREST U/S 234D: Interest @ 0.5% is levied under this Section when any refund is granted to the assessee u/s 143(1) and on regular assessment it is found that either no refund is due or the amount already refunded exceeds the refund determined on regular assessment. The said interest is levied @ 0.5% on the whole or excess amount so refunded for every month or part thereof from the date of grant of refund to the date of such regular assessment.
If you are a salaried person, then profits from derivatives will be added to your salary income and will be taxed according to your tax slabs. While on the other hand, losses from derivatives trading cannot be offset against the salary income but can be offset against any business income in next 8 years.
Supporting Documents Required while Filing Income Tax for Traders in India.
# 1. الربح & أمب؛ Loss Statement.
# 2. Contract Notes.
#3. Depository Statements.
#4. Bank Statements.
Due Dates for Filing Income Tax Returns in India.
Any individual trader carrying out trading activity be it long, short or day term are obligated under the income tax law to file their returns before July 31 (This year the date is extended to September 7, 2018) and it is September 30th for companies.
In case your turnover exceeds Rs. 1 crore in a financial year, then the book of accounts needs to be audited and the due date for filling returns is September 30. Under section 271 B, failure to submit the tax audit in time has a penalty of 0.5% of turnover or Rs 1.5 lakhs, whichever is lesser.
STT, Brokerage & other Expenses for Traders.
Business expenses including Brokerage Charges, Internet Charges, Advisory Fees, Research Reports, Computer & electronics Depreciation, Electricity Bill, Telephone, Software & Data Feed Charges, Newspaper, Books, STT and rent, etc can be used to reduce the taxable income from Speculative/Business Income. You can mention any other expenses that is incurred for undertaking your trading activity under the section “Other Expenses”. So, for any expenses you mention maintain the supporting documents for any future reference.
STT, or Securities Transaction Tax , is a tax levied on securities trades (excluding commodities or currency trades). Different STT rates are applicable for Equity (cash) and Futures and Options (F&O) transactions. STT is levied on trades on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), and other recognized stock exchanges. For commodities, CTT (Commodities Transaction Tax) is levied.
If the trade is a equity delivery trade, than a tax of 0.1% on the turnover is levied on both the buy side and sell sides of each trade. However, if the trade is squared off (closed) within the same trading day, meaning it is a intra-day transaction, then the STT rate applicable is 0.025% on the sell-side trade(s) only.
Which ITR Form to use for Traders & Investors in India?
ITR 1 – Individuals having income from Salary and Interest.
ITR 2 – Individuals having income from salary, Interest and Rental.
ITR 4 or ITR4(S) – Individuals and HUF’s having income from a proprietor business or profession.
Income Tax Slab – FY 2018-16.
In case of companies, income tax is a flat 30% and no tax slabs exist.
Important Q&As while filing Taxation for Traders in India.
# Is there any loss we can net off against salary?
# Can we deduct long term capital loss from stocks with business income for computing income tax?
# Can we carry forward the losses if not filed in the financial year?
For Complete list of Q&As, Please Visit.
Disclaimer : Please note that all the information shared is solely for the general information purpose only. No information, views, opinions or examples constitute a solicitation or offer by JustTrading. in to buy or sell any securities or to furnish any investment & trading strategy / advice or taxation advice or service. Every attempt has been made to assure accuracy & completeness, we assume no responsibility for errors or emissions.
JustTrading. in advises you to consult with your certified professional finance advisers, chartered accountant & tax advisors before making any investment, trading or taxation decisions. For more, Please Visit & Read: Disclaimer.
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36 thoughts on “ Part VIII – Getting Started With Trading – Tax Guide for Traders in India ”
This very neat and thanks for the info. I mostly take delivery and have done some 10 times Intraday made about not more than Rs.2000 . Can I declare myself Investor.
Income tax regulations had wide aspects to classify your trading activity as Business or Investment.
Intraday trading (i. e. non – delivery trading) is considered as Speculative Business activity which requires you to declare self as a trader. So any income from equity day trading is speculative business income needs to shown under the head income from business / profession and will be added to your other income and taxed as per your Tax Slab.
There are other criteria`s to classify self as a trader or investor like if you are buying and selling stocks frequently within weeks for short term or engaged in equity day trading or futures trading or your primary source of income is trading/investment or you are declaring self as a Trader in previous tax returns then you have to declare your trading activity as Business.
My main source of income is FDs and Intraday + BTST + short term. Income below taxable limit. Still I received notices asking why I have not submitted returns for past 2 years. They are referring to my above trades under STT-01, STT-02 and STT-03.
So I have decided to file this years return and I know I need to file ITR 4. Please help in providing some ITR4 specimen for stock market traders…..
Suppose as per portfolio position from backoffice I have:
Delivery purchases = 500000.
Delivery sales = 492000.
Speculation purchases = 6200000.
Speculation sales = 6215000.
Total of positive and negative values of speculation entries = 50000.
Cost price of Stocks with me on 1 Apr 2018 = 56000 (Calculated my be from last year reports and not available directly)
Cost price of Stocks with me on 31 Mar 2018 = 110000 (Calculated my be from this year reports and not available directly)
Market value of stocks (available from backoffice) held on 1 Apr 2018 and same day value = 67000. I dont now why it is required. So I think this is to be ignored and 56000 is to be taken as opening stock.
Market value of stocks (available from backoffice) held on 31 Mar 2018 and same day value = 95000. I dont now why it is required. So I think this is to be ignored and 110000 is to be taken as closing stock.
Margin money in trading account on 1 Apr 2018 = 9000.
Margin money in trading account on 31 Mar 2018 = 10000.
Please help me with sample ITR 4 for this data.
Assuming that FD + above data is less than taxable limit and my profit is less than 8 percent, am I required to get myself audited?
The first thing we need to evaluate is the profit or loss you had on your trading activity separately for long term, short term and speculative. So, consider all the delivery stocks that you sold this financial year (as there must be some stocks that you purchased last year and sold this FY or some you bought this FY but not sold off) for calculating the profit or loss and your speculative profit & loss also.
As your turnover is less than 1 crores and your total income is below the taxable limit of Rs. 2.5 lacs, you are not required to undergo the tax audit.
All the intraday profits should be shown under speculative business income while all short term equity delivery profits under capital gains head.
As for ITR 4, you are required to prepare your balance sheet declaring your assets (Cash in hand, deposits with Bank, investments, Property, Automobiles and Other assets and liabilities (loans, credit card balances, mortgage loans etc) and profit & loss statement summarizing your income and expenses just like a business.
So, it is advisable to file the same with the help of a CA so that you remain consistent with your future tax returns.
Sir, My main source of income is farmer + fd + btst and intraday trading. My income below taxable limit. Still I received notice asking why I have not submitted returns past 3years. Because my income laser than one lack all sources.
My income source…
farmer 40000/- per year.
Fd interest 10000/-
And share trading I am loss 20000/-some thing.
My portfolio about 2lakh 70thousand.
I have loss in 20y4-15 in day trading about 20000. My day volume buy and sell total is 50lack. My income not more than one lack so I am not file income tax past year’s. Can i file income tax this year? Please give me advice.
Income tax compliance is getting very strict these days.
So all the traders or investors participating in the market are required to file their tax returns even if the total income is below tax limit.
Many traders are getting notices from IT department for non filling or wrong filling of returns specially those day trading, short term trading and, trading f&o as all the traders trading the markets have to consider their profits or losses as business income or losses, so they are required to file ITR 4 or 4S.
As per law, Electronic filing of income tax return is mandatory for the taxpayer if the total income is more than Rs. 5 lakh or if there is a claim of refund except for super senior citizen (Age above 80 years) or if ITRs 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 have to be filed (Rule 12 (3) of the Income Tax Rules, 1962 as amended)
Even many of the traders we are connected with are getting notices for non-filling of income tax returns.
IT department are filtering out the accounts who are participating in the capital market but not filling their tax returns under STT-01, STT-02, STT-03, STT-04, STT-05 and asking them to submit their response electronically under Complaince module.
Hi, request you to explain the taxation of Gold ETF and Liquid BEES ETF trading. Can I calculate turnover for these like Equity trading or only capital gains tax applicable for these.
Liquidbees & Goldbees are taxed as the debt funds.
So, Investment in any of them, if held for 3 years or more, is considered as Long term and taxed at 20% with indexation. While for any period less than 3 years, short capital gains from these investments will be added to investor’s income and taxed as per his or her tax slab. But any dividend received from liquidbees are tax free as they are taxed in the hands of the companies and not the investors.
I just saw your article on Getting started with Trading – Tax Guide – Part VIII. The article is highly informative and has been written in a lucid manner. The language is simple and very expressive. The examples added are making the points crystal clear with out any ambiguity. Indeed an excellent article.
By the by, I need to have a copy of the said article. How do I get the same? Will you please email me to my id.
Thanks for your great words. Will share with you the copy of the updated article on your email once the union budget 2018-17 is out this month end. We really appreciate your for taking time to share your thoughts.. Thanks @Rajamani.
hello team just trade ,
i have read your article, its very informative and simple to understand. Kudos to your team for explaining a complex issue so easily. Please mail a copy of the updated article . شكر.
Thanks Yatin for taking your time for sending us your wonderful words. We are really happy to hear the positive outcomes of our heart full efforts and initiative to help traders across to be independent and learn the skill of trading. Really motivating for us.
But at present, due to large number of requests from traders & limited time, we are unable to provide the copy on email to each requests. So, we will try to find some solution to deal with requests and to serve you all in a better way.
Thanks for giving us an opportunity to serve you & be of any help. Also, we are very happy to connect with the traders like you.
Please let us know if you have any further questions; We are more than happy to help.
As there are many technicalities regarding taxation, We advice you to consult a Professional Chartered Accountant who can look into your individual accounts and get the taxation requirements completed as per the laws.
*The comment is edited on request*
I have received the below mentioned notice first time on 14th June 2018 by post.
The notice have dated 16/10/2018.
STT-01,STT-02 , STT-03.
Right now my age is 44, since July 2018 I’m a full time student.
Now this time when my college final project is on my head this income tax notice I have to reply as priority on price the loss of my study.
Now the question is about non - filling first I was totally unaware about this.
In beginning of FY 2018 I have saving and support amount by family total of >> 2 lakh less than 3 lakh in my account and.
Some time I fix some amount in short term FD from 3 months to one year….and with some amount <> 2 lakh for study and living expenses.
IN 2018-14 very small three with profit around 300/- And Completly leave trading job before beginning of April 2018.
So I decided myself to stop this way and priority focus on my study. so since august 2018 to update June 2018 I’m full time student.
I have all trading documents, bank statement and student proof.
Now in this current situation how I reply to this notice kindly help me…?
*The Comment was sent via email and is edited on request*
errorr in post before so kindly add after 2 lakh expenses >> these lines :So for earning job in 2018-13 I was doing share trading through broker as full time speculation, day trading and short term delivery.
In between I have start study full time and get admission in college July 2018.
So around six months up to sept 2018 I have done equity trading and make loss more than 20,000/- and same amount I lost in commodity trading ( sept 2018 to march 2018 ) so around more than 40000 forty thousand I make loss in FY 2018-13. And it’s shocking lesson to me and I stopped trading because I was thought for independent earning along with my study but I suffer big loss so I stopped before complete financial year 2018-13.
I have no earning because no working so no taxable any income upto financial year 2018-2018 instead of this from a friend i have a loan in instalments since may 2018 to 2018 of rupees >> 2 lakh for study and living expenses.
*We have edited your query and important points undisclosed.*
We can understand the situation you are in right now. You can deal with the notice by stating them online your reason for non-filling of income tax return as we are not the only one getting the notices. IT department has send notices to almost 50 lacs for non-filling of return for assessment year 2018-15.
As Income tax compliance is getting very strict these days so they are capturing information on financial transactions /activities relating to you through annual information return, tax deducted at source statements, banks, equity, mutual funds, etc and are sending notice for who do not file returns.
Regarding Equities, IT department are filtering out the accounts who are participating in the capital market but not filling their tax returns under STT-01, STT-02, STT-03, STT-04, STT-05 and asking them to submit their response electronically under Compliance module. So, any individual who have made transactions in stocks under the below heads and have not filled tax returns are getting the tax notices.
& # 8211؛ STT-01: Purchase of equity share in a recognised stock exchange.
& # 8211؛ STT-02: Sale of equity Share (settled by actual delivery or transfer) in a recognised stock exchange.
& # 8211؛ STT-03: Sale of equity Share (settled by otherwise than by the actual delivery or transfer) in a recognised stock exchange.
& # 8211؛ STT-04: Sale of option in securities (derivative) in a recognised stock exchange.
& # 8211؛ STT-05: Sale of Futures (derivative) in a recognised stock exchange.
Many of the traders we are connected with are getting notices for non-filling or wrong filling of income tax returns specially those day trading, short term trading and, trading F&O.
So, if your income (including interest from salary or business / profession, saving account, FDs, and other sources) for the respective period was less than the tax slab then and you have received the notice, then you reply them on the official website and explain the reason for not filing return as you were below the minimum tax bracket. (Check attachment)
It is advisable to file tax returns if you participate in equity markets and even filling of losses will help you set off your losses against profits in the next few years.
So, ask your friends or relatives for any known certified professional chartered accountant or tax advisor and file the submission with help and ease for a very small fee as any incorrect submissions can lead to further notices from IT department. Carry all your bank statement, p&l statements, ledger report of your trading account and take the help of CA to take care of all technicalities of tax rules for your loans, interest income and trading activities.
Also, as you have participated in the market earlier and had losses we request you to go through the various articles that we have written on our website to help new traders or investors get an edge on their trading by learning the art of trading. Trading is all about formulating rules for your trading plan & strategies, putting your strategies to test, trading on facts and strictly following your trading plan and strategies and keep on refining it to achieve your trading goals. Then you will be in a position to look at the nuggets all together.
Once you are done with your tax filling, do visit the articles and start getting back to trading with new goals in mind but this time with pre planning and with rules for trading, capital management. We truly believe that learner and effortful people like you will surely have a reward full and better trading career. All the very best.
*The Comment was sent via email and is edited on request*
Thank you for your warm help. I really like your website contents the articles which you write so informative and knowledge able. For beginners and people like me have lesson after loss because of unaware in that situation your website is helping to many people.
Kindly keep this spirit of help.
I request if you provide me contact number of expert to handle share trader case CA OR TAX consultant in Delhi for filling in my case .
It will be great.
We are in talk for tie up with some Chartered Account Company to help our users file and take care of their tax returns for equities. So, you can check online to locate a practicing CA near by your area or ask some friend for reference. As mostly all CAs file income tax returns for clients. They can easily guide you, take care of the notice from income tax and file your future tax returns.
Also, Thanks a ton for sharing your wonderful thoughts. We are really happy to hear the positive outcomes of our heart full efforts. Motivating words always inspire us to share more amazing articles. Will ensure writing & sharing more amazing work.
*The Comment was sent via email and is edited on request*
hello Just trading team,
kindly guide me ?
can you guide me about turnover term consider at time of tax assessment or account maintain. FY 2018-13.
the turnover in brokerage report is 1,43,09814 rupees.
the turnover in STT certificate for NSE is 7403885.
the turnover in STT certificate BSE is Rs 33850.
in statement of capital gain/loss buy turnover 7176898.36.
n statement of capital gain/loss sell turnover 7166780.60.
what is Turnover figure here for consider at Income tax dept capital gain purpose ?
kindly guide me why and how these differences comes.
To calculate the capital gains, you have to make a distinction of your speculative transactions (intraday trades), short term trades (Within one year) or long term trades (More than 365 days) & non speculative trades (F&O).
To know the capital gains on your transactions, you can ask your broker to provide you with the short term, long term capital gain or loss reports, ledger and F&O profit and loss statement. As it needs to be calculated script wise and not according to the total turnover of transaction you did within the year.
You can refer to the article Tax Guide for Traders in India again to understand the whole taxation mechanism.
Turnover is generally calculated to know whether a trade needs an audit or not? And also by turnover it means the addition of the settlement profits and losses combined together.
*The Comment was sent via email and is edited on request*
hello Just trading,
without hesitate is my next question is for clarity and guidance from you.
i have turnover >> 1 crore but capital loss statement of rupees > > 10000 in equity then 25000 loss in commodity trading in FY 2018-13 and same year i have changed career direction become full time student so left the trading. And i have no taxable income upto FY 2018-16. since last four years i m living on small saving for continue study and living expenses. so how i reply this notice kindly help me. when i have lost of Rs 35 to 40000/- and no taxable income.
Is still after four years this time in 2018 july can i fill return for loss in FY 2018-13 AY 2018-14 and carried forward loss? when i already left trading but not closed demat and broker account. i need CA or just my self register and fill reply of IT notice STT-01,02,03 for non filling. kindly guide me !
To get the benefit of the carry forward of losses, the same needs to be disclosed in the tax returns in the same year before the last date.
As you are new to this, we recommend you to consult a chartered accountant who can take care of all the technicalities of filling the tax returns and this notice also. Incorrect submissions can lead to further notices from IT department it is better to take help of a CA as they will charge you a very small fees for this. Also, the CA can help and guide you regarding all the loans and interest payments and income you have generated during the last few years and also for the future tax fillings.
Do carry all the bank statements, ledger, short term long term and F&O profit & loss statements of your trading account.
I started trading in AY 2018-14. As I am retired and did trading online, I did not claim expenses. IT officer during assessment quoted ITR rule 8D. He said and amount equal to 0.5% of total value of investment, will be added to taxable income. As in F&O transactions, the turnover is large (not margin or profit/loss), it is adding huge tax liability. Kindly advise.
Dear Shri Subhash Ji.
The Rule 8D provides the method for computation of dis-allowance by the Assessing officer in case he is not satisfied with the correctness of the claim of expenditure made by the assessee. We are unaware with the legality of Rule 8D, so will update you once we had a discussion with our known advisors and chartered accountants.
Also, one written by Subhash Lakhotia Here is why all tax payers should know the new 8D rule in 2018 on moneycontrol.
We suggest you to consult a Chartered Account who can look into your account to deal with this complex issue.
I am a retired person availing pension under taxable limit. If I do only delivery base trading with short term gains and if the no of trades are about 15 per month, then can I use ITR2 for filing return ? i do not have any other income.
Ministry of Finance has published a new circular in Feb 2018 which states that the trader if chooses so, can declare in the income tax returns all the profits arising from selling the shares whether they are from day trading, short term trading or long term trading as Business income.
Also, if chooses so, can declare the profits from his long term investments as capital gains, but he has to be consistent while declaring the same in tax returns in the subsequent years.
Therefore, the income tax laws allows you to declare your long term profits as capital gains but same has to declared in the similar fashion in the subsequent years and all your short term trading as your business income.
شكرا جزيلا على الرد عليك. I will be thankful if you can kindly clarify my doubt little further. If all my trades are delivery based for which both side STT is paid and if I do not carryout any day trading then can I file my return in ITR2 and pay applicable tax for short term capital gain irrespective of number of trades.
Dear Shri Raghu Sir.
We can understand the confusion you are into regarding your filing of capital gains as our tax laws are still unclear on these many aspects.
But recently as we shared earlier, Ministry of Finance has clarified that now traders can declare their all trading income as business income and get it taxed as per their tax slabs and long term as tax free. Following this will not be put under any kind of dispute by the income tax officer. But still unclear whether we can show it as capital gains if we are trading in F&O, day trading or actively trading.
Because there are other factors that the accessing officer might consider Frequency of Trading, Primary Source of Income, and Consistency of Declaring Self in Subsequent Tax Returns as discussed in the article Income from Equity Trading – Business Income or Capital Gains?.
Like if your primary source of income is trading or you trade very frequently or sometimes you declare your short term gains as capital gains while sometimes as business income in tax returns then he may put a dispute.
But, still the most important thing here is to stay consistent in filing your tax returns. So, if you do short term and long term trading and not indulging in F&O or intraday, then remain consistent in showing your short term gains as short term capital gains and long term as long term capital gains.
Thank you for the clarification. As my primary income is NOT from Trading, I will show my short term gains as short term capital gains and long term as long term capital gains in ITR2 CONSISTANTLY.
Thank you very much for the support.
Dear Shri Raghu Sir.
We are happy to be of any help.
Do consult some of your known Chartered Accountant or Tax Advisers. They can guide you as per your individual case so that you can dedicate your time on your trading and investing business. Also, stay updated with new changes in the tax filing rules.
We wish you a profitable and successful trading ahead in the coming years. Also, do share your story or ideas that worked for you with other aspiring traders to help them in their trading journey that will be highlighted in our section My Story.
It will be amazing to know your story and connect with a experienced person like you.
I am new to stocks. If I were to declare myself as trader and pay income tax as per my tax slab, can this be done by March. Is advance tax necessary and will it cause any problems? I have no idea how much I might invest, trade, gain or loss. So how does advance tax work?
As per our tax laws, any business income earned in India will attract the tax to be paid in advance as – 30% by 15th September, 60% by 15th December, and 100% by 15th March.
This is very simple to calculate and pay if we talk of business income which is assured. But the issue comes with the business income or capital gains from trading as the income which was positive say till end of 15th September may turn out to be less if the trader incur losses in the subsequent months. The net income at the end of the month may be less or even negative.
So, you can pay advance tax by Sept 15th for what was earned till that period and you can make the balance tax payment by March 15th. So if you have booked profit from stocks, you can pay advance tax only on that profit.
Also, if you have paid more tax than what was supposed to be paid as per your total business income for the financial year, you can claim a tax refund.
And yes, not paying may have a penalty of 12% annualized interest for the period by which it was delayed.
You can visit Advance Tax Calculator on Income tax Department website to calculate the tax to be paid.
Thatswhy we always suggest our traders community to consult a chartered accountant or a tax advisers as they can file your tax returns as per the laws and which will make you free from all the worries of the complexity of tax rules so that you can focus on your trading.
Thank you for the advice Sir.
If my earning till Sep was NIL and I choose to trade after SEP and earn say Rs.2,00,000/- profit by March. As per the rules I have to pay 30% advance tax by Sep, which amounts to Rs.6000/- (assuming overall tax liability is Rs.20,000/-) But I would have paid NIL tax in Sep because I haven’t started my trading business yet. How does Income tax account for this? Will there still be a penalty?
Need to clarify that from the Chartered Accountant how they treat this.. You pointed out right that if income is not there till September and at the end of the year you ended up making money (which may happen with many traders) then how we are supposed to pay advance tax in September installment…
Let me share the query with my CA and let`s see what she has to say for this..
Tax on income from forex trading in india
The currency is not recognised by the government and come under the purview of no authority.
New Delhi, November 8, 2017 | UPDATED 14:35 IST A+A-
Bitcoin has given a whopping return of 892 per cent over the last one year. Due to such extraordinary returns the currency has caught the attention of many in India. But there is a hitch involved. The currency is not recognised by the government and come under the purview of no authority. In simple terms when it comes to crypto currencies, there is no regulator. In such a case are the gains from Bitcoin taxable?
Archit Gupta, Founder & CEO ClearTax, says, " Even though Bitcoins are not specifically mentioned in the income tax act, Bitcoins are assets which are usually owned so holder can gain from an increase in its value. In that sense, they acquire the definition of capital gains. Which is a wide definition as per the Income Tax Act."
Accordingly these can be classified as long-term when held for more than 3 years and short-term when held for less than 3 years. In case of long-term gains indexation benefit must be allowed and gains taxed at 20 per cent. Short term gains will be taxed as per the applicable income tax slab.
Saurabh Agrawal, CEO and Co-founder, Zebpay, a Bitcoin exchange, agrees, "One needs to pay tax on profits made from investing in Bitcoin. One should declare the income while filing taxes."
The issue about taxability of Bitcoin, however, is not so simple. There has also been a debate about under which head income from crypto currency should fall. Gupta, says, "Where there are too many trades in Bitcoins the owner may be classified as a trader and income will have to be reported as income from a business. In the absence of specific guidance on the matter, some taxpayers may choose to report this income under the fifth head of income which is 'income from other sources'." It is the head where residual income, income which cannot be reported under salary, house property, capital gains, business and profession, is reported.
Having said that, mining, buying and selling virtual currencies is not illegal in India, but it is also not recognised by law either. There is a question mark on the taxability aspect too. So if you have been trading or investing do make sure any gains from the sale of Bitcoins is included in your income tax return.
From the magazine.
كوبيرايت & كوبي؛ 2018 Living Media India Limited. For reprint rights: Syndications Today.
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